Market theory - page 227

Mikhael Isakov:
Where do such not-so-smart people come from? Dear Laur, how was the positron discovered? Wasn't it first by proposing a hypothesis? And then by "observing the phenomenon"? Huh? Maybe the atomic bomb was detonated first and then hypothesised? Yes, the elementary Poisson's stain behind an opaque screen wasn't it hypothesised, from the wave nature of light, and only then observed by people like you? Conversely, it is not surprising that all this happened in the West, just as it is not surprising that giant atoms in space, tens and hundreds of microns in size, were discovered by Soviet physicists. Who long pored over spectra and then came up with a hypothesis. And maybe the effect of dimensional quantization in semiconductors was not first formulated as a hypothesis that it should be - and then observed? I could give you hundreds of such examples. You get a stake for not understanding the basic structure of the world. For not understanding that at first - the theory of relativity, and then - GPS and GLONASS, which could not determine the coordinates on the Earth with the accuracy, as they do, if they did not take into account the change of time rate in comparison with the time rate on the Earth, and such examples as it is arranged in the West can be given endlessly. P.S. And you with your post about at first an observation and then a hypothesis gave away all your sovietness... Which had to be proved...
Misha, hypotheses do not come from nowhere. People first observe phenomena that they cannot explain, and then create hypotheses that explain those phenomena. Then on those hypotheses they make appropriate predictions and amazingly accurate instruments. So don't put the cart before the horse.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
hypotheses do not come from nowhere.
Another illiterate ("out of nowhere") makes judgments of cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity. Vasya, intellectually they may come precisely from nowhere. For example, where did Democritus get his hypothesis of atomistic structure of matter from? Maybe he had a tunnel scanning microscope in his garage?
Mikhael Isakov:
Another one who is not literate ("out of nowhere") makes judgments of cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity. Vasya, by cleverness they can come precisely from nowhere. For example, where did Democritus get his hypothesis of atomistic structure of matter from? Maybe he had a tunnel scanning microscope in his garage?
And why are you and Vasya a semi-literate?
Misha, make up your mind whether you are a physicist or a lyricist. By the way, you should also learn some literacy: you are confusing the atomistic theory of Democritus with the modern atomic theory. They have different origins and "founders". By the way, how's your $5,000 bill? You haven't drained it yet?
Алексей Тарабанов:
And why are you talking to Vaska, a semi-literate?
I'm not talking to Vasya, I'm telling the readers of the forum the truth.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
Misha, make up your mind whether you are a physicist or a lyricist. By the way, you should also learn some literacy: you are confusing the atomistic theory of Democritus with the modern atomic theory. They have different origins and "founders". By the way, how's your $5,000 bill? Did you drain it yet?
12 thousand so far. well, well, come on, tell me what the difference in origins is.
Mikhael Isakov:
12,000 so far.
Good. Good for you. Remember: 5 miao is your take profit. I'll keep track of the results!
Mikhael Isakov:
Come on, tell me what the difference in origins is.
It's a waste of beads - you won't appreciate it anyway :(. Google it. (By the way, I put a dot after the smiley face, check it out, I'm learning to be literate).
Mikhael Isakov:
I'm telling the readers of this forum the truth, not talking to Wasik.
Yeah, well...
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