Testing the new MQL5 compiler for x64 platforms - 2 to 10 times faster calculations! - page 16

Konstantin Karpov:

It's not nice of developers to ask for a test and keep silent when they receive error responses... It's not the first time I've noticed that on the forum and in Service Desk, everything has been unanswered lately...

PS... Mt5 platform is certainly promising, but the attitude is repulsive...

Sorry for the long silence.
Unfortunately, there is a very heavy workload at the moment.
Thanks for the post, the error with leverage setting in the tester from the editor settings has been fixed.

In the current build, you have to manually set the leverage to 1:1 in the "settings" tab of the strategy tester, and only then start testing from the editor.
This does not help, the leverage is set to 1:50 again
Konstantin Karpov:
this does not help, the leverage is set to 1:50 again
What is your build of the client terminal?
Konstantin Karpov:
it doesn't work, it sets the leverage at 1:50 again

Really gave the wrong advice, sorry.

Don't use the editor settings, uncheck "Service\Settings\Debugging\Use specified settings" and set the settings in the terminal manually, before running debugging on the history.

What build of customer terminal do you have?

Really gave the wrong advice, sorry.

Don't use the editor settings, uncheck the "Tools\Settings\Debugging\Use specified settings" box and set the settings in the terminal manually, before running debugging on history.

test agent starts but ends up with a dark screen and nothing... I'll wait for the next build...

by the way, will you solve the problem with wine certification or those who use Linux will have to continue to use the virtual desktop? I have no problem with it, but my acquaintances are asking, it is difficult for them to use the virtual desktop under Linux, and Wine does not work with the certification...


Found a MEGA bug in optimizer :) If we use stub parameters (comment parameters) in the script, if we compile it with optimization enabled and run the script, the terminal crashes. Here's the script. Attached is a screenshot of the error and full text of the log dropdown.

sinput string sinput_manual = ""; // --========= Ручные параметры
input uchar OUTPUT = 1;

void OnStart(){
   int flog = -1;
   if ( OUTPUT ) flog = FileOpen( "bugs.txt", FILE_COMMON | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_WRITE | FILE_ANSI | FILE_CSV );
   FileClose( flog );
MT5_bug.png  23 kb
MT5_bug.txt  24 kb
There was an innocuous indicator that just displayed a caption on the chart. The Optimize=1 checkbox was enabled. Recompiled indicator. It compiled without errors. The terminal started to crash on startup. Nothing in logs. Deleted indicator - terminal works. Rolled back the changes to the initial state. Now I compile it. I hang indicator - terminal hangs. Optimize=0 now, compile new and old code works. Win7 x64. Maybe this has already been reported, then I apologize for the bojan.

Found a MEGA bug in optimizer :) If we use stub parameters (comment parameters) in the script, if we compile it with optimization enabled and run the script, the terminal crashes. Here's the script. Attached is a screenshot of the error and full text of the log dropdown.

Thank you. Check out
There was an innocuous indicator that just displayed a caption on the chart. The Optimize=1 checkbox was enabled. Recompiled indicator. It compiled without errors. The terminal started to crash on startup. Nothing in logs. Deleted indicator - terminal works. Rolled back the changes to the initial state. Now I compile it. I hang indicator - terminal hangs. Optimize=0 now, compile new and old code works. Win7 x64. Maybe this has already been reported, then apologies for the bojan.
Please create a request to servicedesk and attach EX5 file of indicator for verification.