Is tick history available on the server? - page 6

Change the ending of the start function as follows
         //---- refresh window not frequently than 1 time in 2 seconds if(hwnd!=0 && cur_time-last_time>=2) { PostMessageA(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,33324,0); last_time=cur_time; } } Sleep(50); } //---- return(0);

Note the 4th line from the bottom - it is not in the original and should be inserted

At first, I wrote it by hand. My hands were crooked.
I copied-pasted it and it seemed to work...
Maybe I made an extra or under-space somewhere?
Is it so important in programming? - Terrible !
WOW !!!
<br / translate="no"> Maybe I made an extra or underspace somewhere?
Is it so important in programming ? - Terrible !
W W A S A B O !!!

Under-space can really be important ;)
Having tick data, you can accurately tell how the market behaved in the minute, when by one minute bar (up) it crossed the buy order, went down crossing the los and went back up even more.

You can see from the one-minute chart that the rate went up, but you can't see that it also went down at the same time.

This is probably one of the most controversial issues in forex trading. If the provider does not have a tick history - you cannot prove that you are right (or wrong) in this case.

So no matter what anyone says, tick information is very important when the strategy involves the use of orders.
After all, there may be a situation where one bar crosses 2 or more orders at once - and this situation is too frequent to be ignored.
By the way, 1 tick requires 8 bytes to be written
2 bytes for value 0...65535
1 byte for volume 0...255
4 bytes for time (they are transmitted with one second accuracy in the stream, so you don't have to care about high accuracy)
one more byte is left (it can be used for service information, e.g. value order and/or currency pair code)
That's not what I'm talking about - тиковые котировки не нужны. But people don't get it :) Everyone has to go through it themselves.

The creation of profitable experts is certainly not hindered by their absence.
imho, there is no point in deepening the MTS below Close 15 minutes.

and if they did, the same people would still complain.
it's such a category of people - looking for someone to blame for their misfortunes. :)

It's different when it comes to ticks in real time - the possibility to look through at least 200-500 last ticks (instead of that ridiculous amount, which is available now) will make manual traders very happy!
<br / translate="no"> the situation with ticks going in real time is different - the possibility to view at least 200-500 last ticks (instead of the ridiculous number available now) will make manual traders very happy!

if I'm not mistaken it is possible to get 2000 last ticks (at least on forex-club servers they are) (but in an active market (especially on the pair pound-dollar) - it is half an hour, sometimes - 15 minutes). This is not enough to check if the orders worked in the right order in a very active market (does not apply to people working manually, for work without orders the minute intervals are really enough + a couple of hundred last ticks, which are always available on the quotations server).
Gentlemen, don't be monotonous, don't think that what you are sure of is dogma for others.
For me, ticks are everything.
Take another (my) opinion in favour of introducing a quality possibility of working with ticks in MT. Let it not in archive. At least give (it's to developers) an opportunity to get them all in real
. And then we will form them into an archive ourselves.
And why upload a year's worth of ticks. A month is enough. As I understand it, now you can't upload a year's worth of ticks - the terminal won't let you. Some programmes have implemented this feature: Omega, TeleTrader, MultiChart, MetaStock, etc. They have implemented it and do not complain about the volume. It is quite realistic to download ticks at least for the day, and then group them by a larger number of ticks. And then it will be possible to form any timeframe. It's simple and easy. The traffic will not consume much more. There is no need to download for years. You can download the history for a year from a website.
The websites are offering minutes... whatever...
But the ticks are nowhere to be found...
And ticks are needed for work. And at least for a year (that's for me personally).
So I sit and collect them.
But how to explain to developers that for me every tick is lost,
which is lost because that's how the mechanisms for obtaining ticks are implemented,