a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 4

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This year I am graduating with a degree in 080801 Information Systems in Economics and Management.
Information systems in economics and management. After 6 years of study it is necessary to write and defend a Diploma.

Diploma project is an independent engineering development of some kind of automated system or subsystem based on modern information and computer technologies. The project implements a cycle of design tasks, defined by its stages: terms of reference, engineering design, working draft, implementation, prototype operation, commissioning. The result of a diploma project is a concrete system for providing an automated solution to a set of tasks.
As for the courses, I fully agree with you, it is impossible to become an experienced programmer in a couple of weeks, but I have an idea of programming.

Unfortunately, I do not have a deep knowledge of programming in C and C++, but I
I think it's just a matter of time. I have already bought the appropriate literature, but I can't spend enough time to study because all my free time goes to writing a Diploma.
Basically, I am in no hurry.

P.S. Programmers are not born, programmers become.


Alexey, you are absolutely right that programmers are not born, they become. In programming, knowledge of a language is not the most important - there are abilities that are much more necessary: it is discipline of thought and consistency of approach (both are developed in the process of learning), which in turn gives an opportunity to create algorithms (more exactly, develop the ability to set tasks so that one could estimate if there is a solution and how full and correct the algorithm drawn up for solving the task will be). Despite its flexibility, C/C++ imposes higher requirements for the discipline of task formulation. But this is not a particular obstacle to its study - in the end you can simply not use unexplored features. If you have a basic understanding of programming, it is not too difficult to learn the language. Only the question of expediency will arise - if your system is so profitable, is it worth wasting time on these questions, when you can just trade? If there are some psychological doubts, it is not a stumbling block. There are brokers (DC) that allow you to trade from 1 quid - so the difference between the real and demo is virtually no. All in all the route is up to you.

Good luck and good trends.
I think you should not worry about Alex Niroba's statement.

Even if you don't read his posts very carefully, you can still see too much inconsistency in them.
It took about 2 years to develop a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory <br/ translate="no"> using Fibonacci coefficients.
The algorithm is almost ready, but only on paper in the form of flowcharts.

2 years for development of block diagrams? No experimental calculations ?
Or calculations only by hand ?
And at the same time, based on these flowcharts, 2.5 million in 2 months ? So why do you need a program ?
As for earning by hand, too many calculations are required,
and in real time. And counting on a calculator is very difficult,
cumbersome and there is a high probability of making a mistake.

And, nevertheless, the man worked for 2 months, didn't make any mistakes and during this time
made 85 deals (on the average 2 per day). And he's using not some Excel program
but a calculator ! In real time !!! (I think that the complexity of
algorithm and the volume of calculations is such that I could have written this program during a day).
And the man is still engaged in life
The calculator is very complicated and cumbersome and there is a high probability of making mistakes.
At the same time, by today's standards, I have a good monthly income.

Moreover, he also graduated from

I am studying for a degree in 080801 Information Systems in Economics and Management. After 6 years of study, I need to write and defend my Diploma.

But although he studied information systems for 6 years, he doesn't know any programming language.
Well, dear Alex Niroba, I dare to reassure you. I don't know C/C++ either, but like you
I have an idea of programming. It took me only about a month to study MQL4,
and 2-3 more months of practice to learn how to implement all my ideas by myself.
Courage in the fight!
You don't want to convince us that because of your laziness alone (or your nice
monthly income ?) you are going to make your
money making machine public ? :-)
No, I think the point is that the guy needs to write a graduation syllabus but
doesn't want to get his hands dirty. I may be wrong, but I think the truth is out there.
Только не становитесь профессиональным прграммистом :)
Позволю себе такой вот советик...

Why do you dislike your profession so much?

It's not my profession. I wouldn't say I don't love it...
I just don't have time for interesting research activities :)
Lana, let's leave it at that :)
Hi Alex Niroba !
My doubts, as you have rightly noticed, are my own and I have nothing against you.
I'm not really addressing you, but to all the people who took your statement to heart.
If I offended you in any way, believe me, it was unintentional. Maybe it's personal to you?
As for your response, there's something I don't agree with.
If you write programs in a day, you must be a good programmer. I am very happy for you. If you are so clever, write your own strategy. You don't have to reinvent the wheel for that. I took all the data from public sources. There is nothing difficult, just pick up some of the different theories and you will get an effective strategy. <br / translate="no">.

I'm not a programmer at all. And everyone on this forum wants to write their own strategy.
But here is such an original view of it, as presented in this quote, probably only a few have. As a rule, this misconception is peculiar to beginners. And that it is a delusion, I assure you with all responsibility. None of the existing theories can satisfactorily (I am not saying "well") describe the market, and you claim that if you pick up a little bit, you can make a candy out of it? Excuse me, how many years have you spent in FOREX?
I'm glad you have a lot of free time and that it took you only a month or so to learn MQL4.
it only took you about a month. I have a minute-by-minute schedule each day, and unfortunately I don't have enough time to study MQL4,
Unfortunately I can't spare enough time for studying MQL4.

Tell me, how did you manage to play Forex for 2 months, to make 85 trades, i.e. 2 per day on the average, making calculations of your strategy manually on a calculator?
If it takes so little time that it did not interfere with your mode, then your strategy should be quite simple both logically and computationally, and I will undertake to implement it in MQL4 for you for free !
I agree with Yurixx's posts by the way.
Alex Niroba


I tested the effectiveness of the strategy on a demo account. I opened a deposit of $150 and within 2 months, <br/ translate="no"> I made 85 positive trades in a row, and increased it to ...
And I performed trades only on one chart - EUR/USD.
This is not the limit of this strategy!

I'm not sure how many points you've earned, or how much you've increased your account to? Because it leaves a lot of room for conjecture. Maybe you've made 85 trades and earned 5-10 pips on each one? Or were there trades in which you earned one point? For an account, one trade with a profit of 85 pips is much more efficient than 85 trades of 1 pip - the risks are much lower. So, just the number of deals performed is actually not very informative.

The second point - were "lots" used? Did you make deals in the opposite direction to an opened position, not closing it, but waiting out losses for some time? I may assume that yes. Or all the 85 deals were made in succession - a new one will be opened only after closing the previous one?

And have you managed to show something from the statement that is not a secret? For example, a graph of deposit growth or equity curve in "pips". The most informative would be a normal bar with values of trades in pips, for example:


This interest is not related to my desire to program or understand your strategy, but to evaluate the potential of Elliot's theory in its possible application to trading :-)
