a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 123

2 grasn
All I wanted to say was about the diversity of life (in this case channels) and nothing more, not to offend you in any way. And you should not grab the place where the holster used to hang and take out the license you've given up

Come on, Sergei. I didn't even think about it. I was just being polite. In this situation it was quite justified, because my formulation was too self-righteous. :-)

Candid, канал - это направляющая тренда.
Канал не может висеть в воздухе. Как вы себе это представляете?
Ранее был приведён удачный пример с тазом и шариком:
Если вы запустите шар в каком нибудь овальном тазу, то он
будет катиться отталкиваясь от стенок данного таза.
В данном случае стенки таза являются направляющими для шарика.
В нашем случае - канал является направляющей для тренда!

Alex Niroba, You give me the chicken and the egg example. Which is primary, the trend or the channel? :о)))))))))))

grasn, i am trying to explain in easy to understand language.
It will only help a trained mind.

With respect,
2 grasn
Sergei, don't worry about Aleh. He just thinks that
a channel is a trend guide
Friendliness is the antonym to the word hostility. Imposing friendship has nothing to do with it. But I must tell you that a person who seeks friendship looks much purer, more sincere and more human than someone who seeks confrontation. If you don't want friendship, you probably just don't know what it is. I am certainly not giving you a moral. If you don't know the meaning of the word "moral", or shall we say "antonym",

Why are you drooling? What's the point?

Yes Alex, I know my rights, thank you. I just can't understand, if you don't care, why you can't skip a single post without comment, why you are so harsh in your judgements, why you are so eager to belittle the person or what they have said or done all the time? Do you know what your personality traits are indicative of?

ZS, I will try not to respond to your posts Oh:)))))


Я с большим уважением отношусь к Владиславу, но вижу, что он
выложил всего лишь 1/10 часть информации своей модели.
И брать это за основу, по крайней мере нецелесообразно, т.е. маловато данных.

Чтобы было нагляднее приведу пример: вам предоставили чертёж одного крыла
и рассматривая крыло со всех сторон вы планируете построить целый самолёт.
А двигатель, а корпус, а шасси и т.д.
Нет, конечно же всё возможно, но...

Thank you! Thank you for being there, for opening your eyes to the world, even giving a relatively accurate figure of the information posted!

Regarding engines and aircraft (believe me - it is my specialty), our engineers managed to build very good engines and aircraft on the basis of "borrowed" drawings by the special services (as you describe). And it is normal, similarly, they "stole" blueprints from us as well.

Even if, as you put it, something can be stolen (the drawings, for example),
without a certain knowledge you can't build anything...
We are talking about something else entirely.

Alex Niroba:
Candid, believe me, timeframes are not the point.
As for channels, one timeframe should have no more than one channel!
Channels have absolutely no dependence on the timeframe you choose.

I can assume you are referring to your strategy. But the thing is that the information about it is so scarce that I haven't even tried to think seriously about its essence. Although it is possible that even these morsels will eventually grow into something in my head, and then I will consider what it is. In the meantime, I am talking about mine.
A channel cannot hang in the air. How do you imagine that?
A successful example was given earlier with a pelvis and a balloon:
If you launch a balloon in some kind of oval basin, it will
will roll against the walls of the pelvis.
In this case, the walls of the pelvis are guides for the ball.
In our case - the channel is the guide for the trend!

Since you have read textbooks quite recently, you understand that the first example is usually the simplest (but also the most illustrative) one. Let's move on to the next example. Imagine a relief instead of a basin. Now the movement of the ball will be determined by it, not by the basin. The particular channel on which the ball is currently rolling may have banks of different steepness and height - that is, the ball will not be able to move away from the water flow line to the right for the same distance as to the left. As a further example, by the way, imagine that this terrain is a living terrain, i.e. the position and height of ridges and troughs are constantly changing.
Why do you good people make life difficult for yourselves!!!

If by complexity we mean the presence of various kinds of details, then the beauty of life is largely determined by the details :).
I have a lot of respect for Vladislav, but I see that he <br/ translate="no"> has only posted 1/10th of the information of his model.

It is true that the information in this thread is incomplete, because the strategy algorithm is not published. But on the other hand, just publishing the Hurst Ratio calculation according to Valadislav's method is, in my opinion, a revolutionary step in automated Forex trading, because when used rationally, it allows if not to refuse from oscillators of different types in general (and therefore from choosing their parameters according to available historical data, which will not be repeated in future), then at least greatly reduce their dominating role in MTS and opens the road to creation of mechanical trading systems that are based on the fundamental principles of trading robots. That is, mechanical systems approximating by their operating logic to that of a trader who uses different chart plotting on charts, which he does manually, catching the moments of a trend reversal.
Yeah, I think I'll continue my research and leave the forum for a while. I'm tired of wasting time on "mouse fiddling" trying to put a "trained mind" on the right track. Apparently, that's how they teach it now, that once you get your degree, 5mins as a non-student, you're sure of your power.

Although, Alex Niroba continued his participation by complaining about the bloated forum with a minimum of useful information, but IMHO his appearance has not brought anything new, just another 4 pages. Before that, at least a normal dialogue was going on, participants were discussing their results and sharing their thoughts. Then Alex came, and like in any lieutenant's joke...

He said, that we're wasting our time and our channels have the wrong construction, we don't have proper drawings, and I don't know what a fractal is and I've never understood that Alex has a channel of the same period. And most importantly, we do not understand the primitive examples with a basin.

Alex, remembering your post of 03.08.06 18:31, don't forget, Bill Gate became the richest man not at all on forex.
just publishing the Hearst Ratio calculation by Vladislav's methodology is, in my opinion, a revolutionary step.

To my embarrassment :), I must admit that I still have not implemented in my algorithm the calculation of Hearst Ratio by Vladislav' s method. Two reasons. Firstly, I initially estimated it as a trend indicator, and secondly, Vladislav himself estimated it as an auxiliary one. But your estimation shows that it may be a very good trend indicator, so I should take a look at it.
To be honest, the content of this branch is so much different from other parts of the forum that one wonders from time to time if we are dealing with an offensive subject. Of course the title of the page (Forex / Forex Trading Forum) is soothing. But the thought that a forum would be more appropriate somewhere else doesn't really go away. I mean the honor to start a topic somewhere else should belong to you, solandr. As it seems to owe its longevity to your efforts to... uh... promotion :) Vladislav. Alas, just recently you gave a negative answer to this unspoken thought :).
But your evaluation shows that it could be a very good trend indicator, I think we should take a look at it.

Not only a trend indicator but also a possible trend reversal indicator. That is, I use it in my algorithm when opening a position in the corresponding direction.

I mean, the honour of opening a thread elsewhere, in my opinion, should have belonged to you, solandr.

Opening something new hardly makes sense. If someone has difficulty reading the whole thread, they may, for example, not read the whole thread, but only, like, the first 20 pages, and then decide for themselves whether they need it or not.
I just like the design of this forum. There is nothing unnecessary on the page. The only banner at the top of the forum at the moment has useful advertising information. Although the related forum at mql4.com is much more functional in terms of inserting pictures and files, as well as a lot of other countless services, but it has too many different pictures and buttons in Word style, which makes you make some mental effort in writing the posts. In general I don't really like to think, so I prefer maximum simplicity in design. Although it's just my personal opinion, which is absolutely no claim to anything and is not any kind of recommendation or offer for the esteemed authors of both forums, because of the tastes of arguments simply nesmesslennym. The main advantage of this forum is the people who belong to it. In other words, there is a noticeably higher percentage of people who consciously approach the problem of working in Forex than it is on average in other forums. And if there is a conscious approach to the problem, then it is possible that there are some solutions.