a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 246

to Yurixx
A quick look at the Matkadian code for plotting the dependence of income stability on H reveals no errors. I am starting to dig deeper.

As you understand, I used MT4 for all constructions and calculations.
It all fits into one concise script about 150 lines.
I can send it to you for comparison if you need.
I am not very happy with betting on changing numbers <br/ translate="no"> of a particular Russian DTs, as it is not a market, it is a sweepstakes.

Of course I can assume some nuances in the work of Russian DTs, but what will change fundamentally if you open an account with an imported DT?
I am using an import one myself. I would say that sometimes there are some failures (no connection, sometimes even for half a day, but it happens seldom) and server crashes from time to time (usually at the beginning of trading week on the first ticks). But it does not matter for me. I think Russian DTs would hardly shake me somehow because of my pennies. As for me personally I have no claims concerning choice of Russian/import brokerage companies. Maybe I don't have any complaints when I play only on penny, and then they may appear. Well I think this is a very distant future, so in detail this issue now do not engage.
But it seems to me that if it is a mechanical trading system, then what does the psychological load have to do with it?

I was referring to the fact that if the mechanical system says that you need to hold a losing trade with floating minus of 50000USD to get a loss of 100000USD, then the person can decide differently - just interfere in the work of MTS and close the deal at this very 50000USD, thus eliminating the possibility of getting a profit. Or the same thing about the floating plus. There is a floating plus of 50,000USD and the system predicts its growth up to 100,000USD, but a man depending on his subjective feelings, can also interfere and break the exact execution of trading by the system. This is the moment that can win a lot, in my opinion. This is why one has to psychologically train oneself to it by gradually increasing the turnover of trades. It is something like trying to quit smoking. Everybody knows that smoking is extremely harmful (it is harmful to interfere into MTS trading) and they tried many times to quit (not to interfere into MTS trading), but every time they quit, because they could not overcome their psychology first of all - the psychology that changes in a man only in the last place. Most smokers only quit smoking when they are already bedridden at the firm insistence of doctors (by force, so to speak, but not voluntarily).
2 Northwind
Of course I have a few demos, but I don't pay much attention to them. I don't trade on the real, as a matter of principle, yet (but I used to). For various reasons. One of them, finding the right market. I'm not really satisfied with betting on changes of numbers of a particular Russian DTs, because this is not a market, it's a sweepstakes. The other reason, finding a confident strategy. Let me be blunt, I have a strategy that brings in 10 pips a day, but that's not what I would like. Besides, this strategy is pure shamanism. And it's less than what I have now at my main job. <br / translate="no">

I want to express my solidarity. Turns out I'm not the only one who travels that way. Or side ? :-))
IMHO. The Russian market, because of its illiquidity and adjustability, does not even stretch to the sweepstakes. But things are not much better in the west either. For all its liquidity, the American stock market is very manageable. This has become a popular opinion, but it does not prevent manipulations on US exchanges. What about the rest of the world?

It seems to me that Forex, among all markets, most of all fits an idea of a normal market, where natural laws are in force. It is not only due to its enormous liquidity. The main thing is that here the interests of national capitals are in opposition to one another, in that it has no centre, no main organiser or regulator. The different sides of the process therefore limit to a certain extent the possibilities for manipulating each other. So on the market side I have made a choice for myself. But that doesn't mean that one can make money in this market in this very way: by discovering a "sure strategy". Otherwise, our positions are the same.

I am just a humble traveller setting out on a journey with the expectation that at the end of this arduous journey a treasure awaits me. Along the way no one offers me, or any of us, luxury accommodation, a soft bed, a bidet and breakfast in bed. :)

I can share my experience. I, for example, travel according to the Latin phrase: "Omnia mea mecum porto".
Which in Russian means "All your bidet with you". :-)
It would be nice if you could calculate mo/sko or if you don't mind (pardon the nudity) throw in the statement just the points of the trades are enough, without the rest of the details.
I think it's just a little premature because the system itself is not yet fully established. That is, there are still some minor modifications every week. For example, I have tried to fight flat this month but it appeared to be inefficient, or rather its results were near zero. Also I have changed the method of stop determination. That is why I think it is better to obtain more statistics and then estimate the probability of the result randomness. Moreover, I would like to calculate it based on testing results of a well-established system. It may be called a well-established system if I, for example, do not modify it (even insignificantly) within a month.
I would like to clarify in more detail about betting, forex, rosseti, etc.
I would like maybe to clarify in more detail the betting, forex, rosseti, etc.
I don't really care about the quality of connection and so on. I am coming to the conclusion that all this is not a big deal compared to
compared to the other side of it. Have you ever wondered what figures the brokerage firm gives
and against whom the T-rader is playing. Despite the fact that there are a lot of opinions expressed
on different forums about it, the question is still open. What is the market, it is a collection of people some of whom
part of them wants to sell, part of them wants to buy, and part of them is still smoking on the sidelines. This is so to speak a classic,
that we don't have in case of DTs, i.e. we don't belong to any of these groups. But we are in
another group that has gathered around the gambling machine. The quotes that are provided by
They don't make any sense, look at level2 for example and feel the difference. In
real time there is a wide flow of trades, at completely different prices, at the same time...
Moreover, the lack of information in DTs, only quotes and unknown volumes, is
it's not the information you want to have. There's more information on the market, there's demand,
and offers and completed deals and cancelled orders and volumes in all their diversity.

So, that's more or less. Sorry, business.
Well, there are also opposing views on this. For example, check out Northern Wind.

Unfortunately, I have not found anything concrete, except to gather strength and show((((
The quotes provided<br / translate="no"> by the DTs are meaningless, look at level2 for example and feel the difference.

Really simple traders connected to a DT get the most minimal information they can get at all. But unfortunately there is no other way to get it, except trading on the exchange market professionally. So there is nothing else but to put up with what we have and try to understand something about the market based on these crumbs of information in the form of quotes from brokerage companies...
solandr 08.02.07 17:29
The quotes that are provided by
DTs, they do not make any sense, look at level2 for example and feel the difference.

Really simple traders connected to a DT get the most minimal information they can have. But unfortunately there is no other way to get it except trading on the exchange market professionally. So there is nothing else but to put up with what we have and try to understand something about the market based on these crumbs of information in the form of quotes from brokerage companies...

I couldn't agree more. Look closely at what some of the old-timers are doing,
on reputable forums (on the spider for example). There is a way out, there has to be.
The quotes provided by DTs are meaningless, look at level2 for example and feel the difference. In<br/ translate="no">real time there is a wide flow of trades, at completely different prices, at the same time... Additionally, the lack of information in DT, only quotes and unknown volumes, is not the information you want to have. The market has more information, there is demand, offers, completed deals, cancelled bids and volumes in all their diversity.

I've been looking at level2 for a few years, and before that I was reading "theory". And I came to the stock exchange with a super-task to identify and use in practice the very objective laws, which govern the market and with which I was already familiar. And not somehow, but through software trading. So, when I started trading I decided that I needed to trade manually first, to understand the process, so to say. Besides, there was no tool for soft trading on shares and indices market at that time. Even the coolest E-Signal did not offer an opportunity to write trading scripts.

After half a year or so I understood that it was impossible to see any regularities with my eyes there. And that's right! If it were possible, everyone would have seen them, and there wouldn't have been a market as such. Nevertheless they exist, and not just any patterns, but fundamental ones. But they are realized through a not so random, - chaotic process. And this process can kill anyone, from a neurotic person that enters and jumps out of a position at the slightest profit to an iron warrior that thinks he can weather any losses, because he took a position correctly, in accordance with the fundamental laws. Only very particular people survive, with a specific psyche, capable of keeping a balance and an instant correct reaction, even at breakneck speed. In short - professional slalom skiers.

Besides, I understood, that where such monsters as for example Merill Linch are present on the market, no crowd, and consequently, no regularities, which appear through its actions, are possible. This investment firm alone, which is simultaneously a market maker on the NASDAQ, has seats on the NYSE, is an investment bank, a stockbroker, an analyst, assigns ratings, etc., is five times richer than the world's biggest bank. She alone can completely change the course of the market on any stock and even on an index. At the same time she has access to all the current market information, most of which the crowd does not know or will only know at the right moment. Even if there were no pure manipulations, just such presence already destroys the basis on which the market is based as a phenomenon.

But on the forex market the situation is completely different. Even if the figures that brokers give (I somehow associate brokerage companies with Russian-Ukrainian firms, and there may be anything) and they differ from each other, then this difference is in a fairly close framework. Currencies are quoted all over the world and brokers cannot break away from this process. In addition, this business has its own regularities, and whoever goes against it will die of his own stupidity. It is well understood there. Therefore, if the strategy, or indicator, or H-volatility, etc. are sensitive to these differences in data streams - one way out - to the garbage bin. If not, then it's no longer a slot machine.

That's why I do not understand, what kind of market would you like?

You know who your trader is playing against - he is always playing against his broker. Whether a broker hedges his position is a matter of his conscience, financial capabilities, business ideas, etc. Those who do not, for whatever reason, clearly want to get more than they are entitled to in this business. For me, that would be enough to not open an account with one of those.