Tough communication problems - page 6

I am also from Kharkiv. And have been experiencing severe connectivity problems today. Tried different servers of different brokers. No problems with Internet - all runs on hurrah, but terminals through the various brokers at the same time, about 13-00 till 15-30, could not be connected to their servers. All that I was able to recommend a couple of addresses of servers. did not help. The last support solution was to check the computer for viruses. A virus that corrupts MT4 communication - Nonsense. I didn't check anything. at about 15-30 everything suddenly worked fine.
Pioner 30.11.05 21:47
...but terminals through different brokers at the same time, around 13-00 to 15-30, could not connect to their servers...

The ISPs - city-wide internet providers - may also be experiencing temporary problems.
Pioner 30.11.05 21:47
...зато терминалы через различных брокеров в одно и тоже время, примерно 13-00 до 15-30, не могли соеденится со своими серверами...

City-level ISPs can also have temporary problems.

But I have not experienced problems with other internet services.
Pioner 01.12.05 12:20
But I haven't experienced any problems with other internet services.

Most probably some ports and services are filtered by special equipment. We will try to find a solution and give the brokers the advice they need.
I don't understand it. Yesterday I checked the ping to Alpari from the terminal from home - it shows 0!
Up to the MQ server it's around 256. Decided it was the weekend and so on. Today I checked at work from the terminal ping to Alpari (directly, not from the datacenter) - and 0 again!
What happened? Can it be zero?
Lies, turns out I should have pressed the "Scan" button, now it's 230 to Alpari and 480 to MQ, which is generally acceptable compared to 3600 before.
It's been the third day - "flight normal!)
Dear developers, when releasing the next build, please do not forget about the communication issue.
As of today, the ping to the Alpari server is 438 ms.
Of course not as an expert, but imho the problems arise because of special security hardware/software, because for the terminal it is critical to be out of sync with the server, the symptoms are increasingly convincing me of this, i.e. special hardware/software stubbornly tries to check the encrypted stream (especially problematic when there is a lot of data), and then it skips anything suspicious without finding anything. Hardware is stubbornly trying to check encoded stream for insinuations (of course, it's especially problematic when there is much data) and then it skips anything suspicious without looking for it, and this hardware/software careless (or conversely overzealous) admins sometimes play with such carelessness ;).

All the best,
Micky Mogol
Don't talk about the admins' recklessness. There are too many people who want to give them those towers.
And could the developers of MT4 clarify the need to switch to another port when changing
platform ? And how does it change protocol/specification of exchange between DC server and
The specifics of exchange between the server and the user's PC has changed? Maybe that's the problem ...
Don't talk about the admins' recklessness. There are too many people who want to give them those towers. <br / translate="no"> And could the MT4 developers please clarify the need to switch to another port when changing
platform ? And how did it change protocol/specification of exchange between DC server and
The user's computer? Maybe that's the problem ...

Imagine, that using the standard port 443 (SSL) and a completely custom protocol you communicate with a server. In a single case (in Ukraine and only one company), all that goes on this port 443, begins to slow down wildly. When using another port (eg 1950, tested) in the same conditions and with the same software (MT Server 4), everything runs very fast and normal.

Question: why does it happen with port 443?
Possible answer: someone is filtering all traffic on this port trying to decrypt it unsuccessfully. Well, decryption takes a long time - that's why everything slows down.

That's where the reference to "special equipment" came from. I hope it's an erroneous assumption.
By the way, in some countries when installing trade servers we have already encountered the government(?) policy of banning certain ports. We had to change the working ports of the server and work on them.