Tough communication problems - page 3

Try another provider, or ask your friends who work with the same DC on the same platform, but through a different internet provider. If it takes so long everywhere, the problem is in the brokerage house itself, I think.
We also think that the trader should have a very bad connection and we just want to cover our life with it.
It's not about the trace. If there is no connection between Mt and server, traceroute gives this output:
Route trace to []
with a maximum number of hops of 30:

1 * * * * Exceeded waiting interval for request.
2 111 ms 115 ms 105 ms
3 112 ms 113 ms 107 ms
4 118 ms 113 ms 115 ms []

5 126 ms 134 ms 143 ms []

Route trace to with a maximum of 30 hops

1 * * * * The wait interval for the request has been exceeded.
2 111 ms 110 ms 108 ms
3 114 ms 108 ms 822 ms
4 112 ms 115 ms 109 ms []

5 158 ms 126 ms 132 ms []
6 137 ms 137 ms 133 ms []
7 140 ms 138 ms 135 ms []
8 140 ms 134 ms 137 ms []

These are the two routes to the two Alpari servers. But the most interesting thing is that these results were obtained at the moment when the quotes were up. I.e. the trace is normal, but the quotes don't go..........
Does it just ping?
What is the result?
And what is the ping when trying to open a new demo account?
ping does not go at all. It never does. Apparently the protection doesn't allow....
So it's OK, it just shouldn't ping, you should check the ping from the terminal (I wrote a post above on how to do it).
If I've got a tick volume, I don't know if it's a tick volume, but I don't know if it's a real tick volume or not, I have a tick indicator in MT3, even I had it written for calculation of real ticks, the difference was 1-2 units of tick volume. If I wanted to place an order but then I got no connection or everything else stopped and the indicator shows a connection and the tracer gives me a normal trace.
I think this glitch is only in the software either in the terminal or in the server, or both....

I don't understand where to see the ping from the terminal, if you can tell me more about it.
When you open a new demo account (I don't know how to check the connection for the real account), the terminal prompts you to select a trade server, in front of the server name writes ping in milliseconds (like in ping from the command line).
ping from the terminal 3500-3800 ms to the Alpari demo
Hmmm. That's a lot. Although I checked with myself now - 3655ms to Alpari. I used to get less than 100 and never got to 200. What happened, I wonder?
Now I understand why most trades on a demo account last at least 3-4 seconds, whereas before it flew by at once :(