How do I check the operation of the data centre? - page 3

Looked at three terminals - the quotes are frozen, although the connection icon is normal.
Before that, I had tormented AtGuard - cut off the oxygen to the terminals. It seemed that in spite of all my attempts, the terminals continued to receive quotes. I decided that either I was a complete dummy or the gatekeeper was broken. Now I made sure that the gatekeeper has honestly deprived the terminals of all access to the internet or whatever.
But now I'm not sure that the data centre wasn't working. But I've artificially reproduced the situation when the terminal shows the connection, but the quotes don't go :) You may remember it happened before.
I removed the bans for MT4, the quotes are still there. I restarted the terminals and quotes are still there. I pressed "Update", quotes are still there. Cleaned all that is related to data centre in settings - the quotes are standing. Updating - standing. Restart - standing. Refresh - standing.
Then I changed account number and switched to another one. I performed this operation on all three terminals - everything works.
The experiments with the data centre will probably continue.
The data centre is not working after all. I ran the terminals under the admin, but they still swear that "this is not the datacenter".
I remind you that I was only able to set up the datacenter with administrator rights - is this normal or not?
The data centre is not working after all. I have run the terminals as admin and still get the "this is not datacenter" swear. <br / translate="no"> I remind you that I was only able to install datacenter with administrator rights - is this normal or not?

The datacenter is installed as a system service and clearly needs administrator rights to install it. In the 185th client build we just fixed one of the bugs of freezing after pressing Refresh on the chart when working through the datacenter. The data centre build has also been updated to 284.
Strange, downloaded (from this site) this week, downloaded 282 build from 02.11.05. I will try again to download and install. And I don't remember that I installed 281 with admin rights, that's why I was surprised. That the system service - I agree, I just suspected that the services of this service were provided only to the progam from the admin.
Downloaded again, version 282. Where can I get version 284?
Can I get the link right here so I don't have to look for it and guess?
Downloaded the 284 build. Installed it. Got it set up.

Parent server - demo server Alpari
Server address - left any ( and were the IP variants of my local network address)
Port - by default
Login - from Alpari demo
Password - login investment password
Access list - all local

Status - Running

I ran the test in MT4 with IP address. It did not pass.

What may be the reason? Maybe only addresses in the 192.168.x.x range are allowed as locale?
komtoster, you have a working data centre. Come on, how do you set it up?
komtoster, you have a working data centre.
Try to change the IP in the MT settings
If it doesn't work, set your locale to, in your Datacenter settings to any, in your MT settings to

If it still doesn't work, try to open access for all ipi in the settings of your server.
Do I have to change the whole network, starting with the ADSL modem, or do I have to put another IP address on my card and do the routing (I'm not good at it, so I have to refresh my knowledge again), other options?
Checked all the addresses of the demo server. It seems that the error is not in the spelling of the IP address. On datacenter 281 I had MT4 see the DC, but starting from 282 it stopped. I don't think there is a connection between the correct IP address and the test of the DC from MT4.
All in all, nothing is working.

I give up. I've done everything except reinstalling Windows (can't remember if I rebooted the computer or not, maybe that's the reason).