Your symbols and your datafeeds in Metatrader 5 - page 6

I gave an example of how the algorithm works on the previous page. You can see that the clumps of maxima are formed long before the end of the process, and all maxima at once

Here is the result of the GA's work on this function in a few minutes. It's close enough in my opinion:


Load up the remote agents in no uncertain terms! :-)

Specifically about this route I wrote "there may not be enough money for a couple of generations of descendants".

Don't lose the physical meaning behind the numbers.

We have decided to open interfaces to write our own datafeeds for MT5.

You will be free to write your own data sources, including rltime data sources. This will allow any data to be plugged in, including detailed history and Level2 tumblers.

By default we will provide a number of in-house datafiles, including offline ones. Virtual characters will also be available in the tester.

All this is free of charge, of course.
Is there a detailed description with an example of how to do this ?

Specifically about this route I wrote "there may not be enough money for a couple of generations of descendants".

Don't lose the physical meaning behind the numbers.

What do you care, can I not, maybe I can not, someone can, you profit... I'm not suggesting that GA should be removed, I'm suggesting that the user should have a choice...

Function Z = cos(1.5*x)*cos(1.5*x) + sin(2.25*y) + cos(3*x*y); where X and Y are -3 to +3

I'm also wondering how to find its maximums in MT5.

As for the method - idea from article on hubra, implementation in matlab and in C#.

It's elementary:

input double x=0; // start=-3.0, step=0.01, stop=3.0
input double y=0; // start=-3.0, step=0.01, stop=3.0

double OnTester()
   return( MathCos(1.5*x)*MathCos(1.5*x) + MathSin(2.25*y) + MathCos(3*x*y) );

Run in mathlab full brute force mode for 361,201 passes (53 seconds) with specified limits and steps:

Then run the genetics, which has met the 8,700 passes (12 sec time), finding some clusters of desired maxima:


Moving Average - standard MT5 delivery

Complete search of two parameters (time-consuming approx. 40 minutes)Genetic algorithm for the same two parameters at the same period (time consuming a few seconds)

Ridges of parameter reliability areas on the search can be seen

It is not clear on the genetics whether they go horizontally or from bottom to left upwards

What difference does it make to you, can I not, maybe I can't, someone else can, profit to you... I'm not suggesting that the GA be removed, I'm suggesting that the user have a choice...

I mean, you still don't get it.

Reread my answers, please.

Is there a detailed description with an example of how to do this?
We won't do it until after the next release.
We won't get into this until after the next release.
Thanks in advance, more details please, especially Level 2 and testing on this data.

MathExp(cos(1.5*x)*cos(1.5*x) + sin(2.25*y) + cos(3*x*y))

total overshoot


From -3 to 3 in increments of 0.025