Make your first million - page 133

Karputov Vladimir:
Just don't listen and spread any nonsense. There areTerms of Use which clearly state that no advertising is allowed. And no one can forbid you to go to different URLs.
I wasn't going to, I'm not much of a distributor.
Daniil Stolnikov:
One friend in the parallel branch argued about the "fabulousness" of the 10% deposit growth per day on the rapidly declining euro in manual trading. Like this, with 100$ you can become a millionaire in 97 days. Well, the beginning is done:

89 days... flight all right? ;)

A little over a week to a million, and I haven't grown a tree or planted a son...


89 days... flight all right? ;)

a little over a week to a million and I haven't grown a tree, planted a son...

Did you pay your rent, beak-winged?
Daniil Stolnikov:
Have you paid your rent, beak-winged?
Heard about Amera, it looks like there's going to be a global panic
Alexey Busygin:
Hear about Amera, it looks like there's going to be a global panic.
no, tell me. share the links.
Alexey Busygin:

North American Union (NAU) with the transition to a single currency AMERO (D). How do you assess the possibility of such a union in the next 3 years?

The americans never do anything for nothing.

Well, google it and there's a link to the wiki.

This is not news. I first saw information about it about 7 years ago.
This is nothing new. I first saw information about it about seven years ago.
Yes, but it wasn't an issue then.
Alexey Busygin:
Yes, but it wasn't an issue at the time.

Well, let's say the Amero was introduced and the dollar was abolished. What happens after that. A loss of confidence that will not come back to the amero.

I believe more in the following:

to reduce the deficit it is more logical to play with the rate and bonds. Issue lots of bonds at low yields, then raise the rate. Buy up old bonds that have fallen in price and issue fewer new bonds

number of new bonds with higher yields. Given the enormous volume of treasuries, there would be impressive profits.

Daniil Stolnikov:
Have you paid your rent, beak-eyed?

I'll give you a count down for your rudeness so you don't forget how long it took you to make a million and how it all started

And by the way, this isn't the first time you've written about this lease, is it?