Make your first million - page 111


I'm going to use this topic to show that it is possible to take a good percentage, but it takes a lot of nerves and time to do it. I have to mention at once that the account has returned almost to its initial state because it is an experimental one and different systems are tested on it and the search of "truth" continues, the trading was done manually, the risk is almost maximum, from 1 to 3 orders per day, the drawdown was really up to 80% of the deposit, and the daily percentage is sort of calculated incorrectly, in fact every deal brought a little over 10%, trading was with reinvestment. Time of my trading schedule is one month and one day from 20th of March till 20th of April inclusive, 36 trades in total... For the next series I took a break and worked on my mistakes :)))

Sergey Efimenko:

I'm going to use this topic to show that it is possible to take a good percentage, but that it is very nerve-racking and time-consuming.

So where is it "taking a good percentage" if "the account is back to square one"? Your statement is similar to "you can win the lottery, but it takes a lot of nerve and time"... who's arguing?

I was talking about stable 10%, not individual records...

You can draw as many nice graphs as you like - where are the real results?


So are we moving towards a million or is this a contest account ?
Or is the trend already starting to drain ?
Thank you!
it's a poor contest account. It seems to confirm my assumption that it's wrong to put it on public display )) Something's bound to happen that doesn't go according to plan.)

I'm planning a new series for tomorrow.
George Merts:

So where does it "take a good percentage" if "the account is back to square one" ? Your statement is similar to "you can win the lottery, but it takes a lot of nerve and time"... who's arguing?

I was talking about stable 10%, not individual records...

You can draw as many nice graphs as you like - where are the real results?

Well as if in the first place I'm not positioning it as a record or something like that, I'm just showing that it's not so hard if you want, then I just got "greedy" and deviated from one of my own rules :))), and in general I would not even call such a graph a mediocre, if we talk about overclocking (but such a goal was not), besides, the topic seems to sound a little different, although somewhere in the first posts and there is a mention of a stable 10% ... And do you really think anyone in their right mind would show a graph like this here, with a stable 10% per day? What's the point of that...? :)))
Daniil Stolnikov:
it's a poor competition account. It seems to confirm my assumption that it's wrong to put it on public display )) Something's bound to happen that doesn't go according to plan.)

I'm planning a new series for tomorrow.
Well, tomorrow is almost all the markets "off"!? :))) Maybe better from Tuesday :)
Sergey Efimenko:
So almost all markets are "off" tomorrow!? :))) Maybe tuesday would be better :))
Damn right - I forgot all about it ))) Tomorrow is a good day of preparations - opening of account, depositing money and some other secret nuances ))

This account I plan not so aggressive. I am aiming for 1-2% daily. If I succeed more - great, otherwise - the hell with it)) Minimal risk. 10-20$ or 1000-2000 cents. Previously produced the calculation - at 1% per day we can get to the end of 97-day marathon about 168%. Further more. ))

10% account will be later.
There seems to be trading on Monday, only without metals.
Alexandr Murzin:
It looks like there will be trading on Monday, only without the metals.
That's good!
We are waiting for series 5.
Alexandr Murzin:
Waiting for series 5.
what's the fifth already? )) oh fuck!!!