Mentor - page 4


What did you want to do? Pay off the future profits and if that doesn't work out, get the knowledge for free? ))

When you enter an institute, you have to pay in advance, too ))

So it turns out that you have nothing to pay for.
So it turns out that you pay, for nothing.

you pay for the increased probability (to become a stable earning trader), if you don't succeed with the paid option, you save time. for example, you pay $2000, you spend 1 year, you lose $2000, you realise that this is not your thing and you do not waste your life on this mirage and start doing something else....

or you spend 3-5-10 years on your own (for free) and get the same result... but everyone will make his/her own choice )

i recommend to see, not correct as it's a playlist, not 1 clip )

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you pay for the increased probability (to become a stable earning trader), if you don't succeed with the paid option, you save time. for example, you pay $2000, you spend 1 year, you lose $2000, you realise that this is not your thing and you do not waste your life on this mirage and start doing something else....

or you spend 3-5-10 years on your own (for free) and get the same result... But, everyone will make his/her own choice )

You don't pay for probability, you pay for dilution. Who will teach if trading gives good results? No one!

Successful traders will work on their own growth, not to teach others. And there is a lot of room for growth.


Successful traders will be concerned with their own growth, not with teaching others. And the good news is that there is room for growth.

Elder said well on this subject... Look it up, it will be interesting to you.

Dear forum members!

How to find a good mentor who will help in the choice of direction, show mistakes and ease the way for a trader/analyst to achieve their goals.

I thank you in advance for your posts/ideas/recommendations.

Among the profitable algotraders you will not find them (willing to teach), I am sure of it.

Among the manual trading gurus, who have 50 percent of entries based on a hunch - the choice is big - Andrei Beritz, Alexander Gerchik, Dmitry Cheremushkin, Mytrade, etc.

Start with one thing. It's unlikely you'll find a jack of all trades.

You'll find some! Here is a great mushroom picker Mr. Gerchik is holding another mushroom gathering in Kiev, the ad just came. 5 days, 3 hours - and you're a cultivator for only $1600 ))))) And they will...


You won't find any profitable algotraders (who are prepared to teach) - I'm sure of that.

Among the manual trading gurus, who have 50 percent of their entries based on a hunch - there is a wide choice - Andrei Beritz, Alexander Gerchik, Dmitry Cheremushkin, Mytrade, etc.

I would say about the algo from my own experience. You can teach programming in MQL4/5, it's possible, they teach it all the time in the non-financial areas. I'm not going to share my experiences with forex, behind which I've spent years of observation and experimentation. Well, an advisor on 2 wheels can be cobbled together in the course of training, no more.

I have not, thank God, been trained by a manual trading guru.


I will tell you about algo from my own experience. It is quite possible to teach programming in MQL4/5, they teach it all the time in non-financial spheres. But no one is going to share the experience, behind which there are years of observations and experiments. Well, an advisor on 2 wheels can be cobbled together in the course of training, no more.

I have not, thank God, been trained by a manual trading guru.

I was referring to my experience in trading. What about programming ... If there's money, there'll be a teacher).

You'll find some! Here is a great mushroom picker Mr. Gerchik is holding another mushroom gathering in Kiev, the ad just came. 5 days, 3 hours - and you're a cultivator for only $1600 ))))) And they will...

Good pictures - hamsters usually do this :-D

Regarding your reasoning here. At the institute, you don't just pay for increased probability. You pay and know that you will not be taught by Uncle Vanya from the street, but by a certified specialist - Doctor of Science, or someone similar. Nobody knows where or how Ivan was trained, maybe nowhere. They have not been trained and do not know how to do it.

As for the training. Everything is much more interesting here than everyone thinks )). Do not need to go far - take the same Dovgan, Kiyosaki and other people who have a fortune and do not think shameful to travel around the world and share their knowledge with people. It's not just an occupation that you like, it's also a way to earn good money, which is more stable, accurate, and maybe even higher than the notorious Forex. It is not difficult to calculate. Let us take the average "gambler". How much does he earn? Does he earn enough to live on? An average trader's deposit is about $200. Let's add up and take more - $2,000. Do you think he earns each month stably at least 50%? 100% no! May be 100% a year? More or less likely. Even if you assume that he has $50 000 in his account and he consistently doubles it in a year - if you think about it this is not so much!!! And now imagine the risk he constantly takes? What nerve stress is he experiencing?
And here we come to the subject of training. Let's do the math. Gerczyk found even 10 hamsters. He collected $1,600 from each of them. How much did he make? That's right, $16,000. Was he nervous? Did he take a lot of risks? Did he sit in a slump for six months? No! He stupidly took 16 grand and went to drink Hennesy at his villa :-D In a couple of days, when he spent it he will gather another group of hamsters and earn more. Can you imagine how many such events he holds a year? Can you imagine how profitable this business is? Forex is not even close :-D

Every time he has groups of 30-50 people - and he conducts at least 4 seminars a year (2 in Moscow, 2 in Kiev + other major cities). At the same time he claims that he earns nothing from the seminars and conducts them just for fun. His main income comes from trading. Although how well does Gerchik trade now and whether he trades at all nobody knows)