Mentor - page 3

I do not see anything )) I see that he participated in the contest? Why have they stopped? Waiting for me to build a Grail? :-D
Mmmaaaaaaa.... New guy... come on... You've got to be more specific with your questions, greenie...

In short, the path to the grail will be ...
Mmmaaaaaaa.... new guy... come on... better define your questions, greenie...

the shortcut to the grail would be...
long forgotten old one :-D
long forgotten old :-D
I have the grail in my signals and you don't even know why the championships are off...

It's up to the owner .... Check out my gold blog.
Why crap. It's not a pigsty.

вот он я... поверишь или нет?

And what are you going to teach? How to talk on forums?


And what are you going to teach? How to talk on forums?

Why do you have a teacher here who only asks questions? Nah, no can do, our sensei's better than that))))

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 800 - Категория: общее обсуждение
mmmaaaaaa.... new guy... come on... better phrase your questions, greenie...

the shortcut to the grail will be...

Here, tutorials from the real Goura, learn))))))))))))

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 805 - Категория: общее обсуждение

Dear forum members!

How to find a good mentor who will help in choosing a direction, show you the mistakes and ease the way for a trader/analyst to reach his goals.

I thank you in advance for your posts/ideas/recommendations.

Somewhere on smart-lab, there was a section on mentors... If you want a free one, the best way is A-Lab, they don't do guru-trading of course, and no one will give you guarantees either, but you can get the most important thing, a trader's environment, an environment ... what this video is about

or you can pay, because it's the same as with you but quicker, saving time on studying and sifting through the information on your own .....

The main thing in the paid version is to distinguish a really good trader from the pseudo-guru ))


somewhere on the smart-lab there was a section on mentors... The A-Lab is the most sensible of the free ones, of course they don't do guru-trading and no one gives guarantees either, but you can get the most important thing, a trading environment, an environment... what this video is about

or you can pay, because it's the same as with you but quicker, saving time on studying and sifting through the information on your own .....

The main thing in the paid version is to distinguish a really good trader from the pseudo-guru ))

You have to pay first, and then feel free to pay attention to wise speeches or ignore them. But money up front!
At a fee-paying university, you start by paying and then you can listen to the smart speeches or ignore them if you want. But money up front!

What did you want to do? Pay off the future profits and if that doesn't work out, get the knowledge for free? ))

When you enter an institute where you have to pay a fee, they also charge you in advance!)