Virtual hosting in MetaTrader 4/5 platforms and data security - page 4


There is no subscription fee for connecting to one trading platform (e.g. FORTS).

But if you connect to a foreign exchange section, you have to pay.

Here are the tariffs - you have to pay everywhere if the exchange requires a user to pay for its flows:

Tomorrow (or in three years) there will be options, you still have to pay extra.

Tomorrow there will be competition among brokers. Look at what we did in forex - there was a sanctuary there too.

We do not charge any fees and all of our terminals, including mobile terminals, are free for users.

In another five years, connect the fund, you have to pay extra.

What's the point of such a free cheese? Quick connects anywhere and performs all operations in one terminal. There are other programs that do their main job for the trader.

You are way out of line. You do not go into someone else's monastery (the exchanges selling their quotes) with your own charter. In general, brokers themselves are trying to rid traders of such payments, and if not, then pay 150 rubles per month for relay time data flow - this is miserable.

Good luck with QuickBooks. The main thing is not to forget that you have to pay there too.

Lately, the terminal is distancing itself from its main purpose and becoming only a means to sell something through your unique ecosystem.

He is not going anywhere.

On the contrary, it has found the right way to develop the ecosystem, as Apple did earlier. It is the ecosystem that increases the power of the underlying solution. All the competitors are walking around jealous - they have bare software and lost chances for growth.

Regarding dll - soon we will release a new version of compiler which generates 3-4 times faster code. Actually on the level of modern C++ compilers.

This will drastically reduce the need for external calculation dlls.

Since the virtual server service is developing (next week we will release a beta for MT5), we will give access to the files, as well as enable the function of transferring subscription to other accounts (except broker-sponsored ones).
Renat, I personally don't have any need for external DLLs, I can't translate all the Matlab and Intel PP algorithms to MQL4/5 )) Still I'm working more for myself and here I need to save development time. It would be great if such limitations disappeared. Considering the change in MQ's marketing policy, which has been pleasing for the last year, I'm hoping for that.

Access to files will be a much needed step, good luck to the team! It's nice to see some stagnation replaced by an increase in development activity during the last year.


Here are the tariffs - you have to pay everywhere if the exchange requires poyuser payment for its flows:

Tomorrow there will be competition among brokers. Look at what we did on forex - there was a reserve there too.

We do not charge any fees and all our terminals, including mobile terminals, are free for users.

You are way out of line. One does not go into another's monastery (the exchanges selling their quotes) with their own charter. In general, brokers themselves are trying to rid traders of such payments, and if not, then pay 150 rubles per month for relay time data flow - this is miserable.

Good luck with QuickBooks. The main thing is not to forget that you have to pay there too.

He is not going anywhere.

On the contrary, it has found the right way to develop the ecosystem, as Apple did earlier. It is the ecosystem that increases the power of the underlying solution. All the competitors are walking around envious - they have bareware and lost chances to grow.

Renat, after all these years, answer the question, please. I remember I fought with you about MT5 back here on the Alpari forum or somewhere else. My idea was the same: why not to introduce locking in MT5, making it an option on the server side. As an experienced programmer, I'm sure it would not be technically difficult. That is, who needs it, chooses a brokerage company with locking, who doesn't need it - without. And the furious rejection of it, according to my sources, was initiated by shortsighted marketing, who slept with rose-colored glasses, believing that the entry into exchanges will bring fabulous profits. But it didn't. Marketing in general is often made up of dull-witted people who have no direct contact with the masses of users. I know from experience working with companies like Sony, Samsung, etc. Well, it's the eastern metanalysis, they put their relatives in marketing who aren't good at anything (exactly the same at Sony, they had 100500 letters at one time about sound effects).

At the same time, we could leave the lovers of the old MT4 to live out their days with their bought EAs/indicators. Programmers don't count, we can learn their programming language on Tau Kita in no time))

I'm trying to transfer scalper to MT5 and I see my profits decrease by about half. I have users in the states etc where locking is not allowed. They open two accounts, no big deal, a bit more manual gestures. But why did marketing cut off and throw away such a fat chunk of Russia and other countries? I do not understand it, explain it to people, you are the authority here.


Renat, after all these years, answer my question, please. I remember I fought with you about MT5 back here, on the Alpari forum, and elsewhere. My idea was the same: why not to introduce locking in MT5, making it an option on the server side. As an experienced programmer, I am sure it would not be technically difficult.

Explained it a dozen times myself.

For a bare "server + entry window" bundle as a first generation system, it can be done. But if we're talking about a huge connected and consistent complex with a bunch of management/visualisation/autotrading/languages/integrations, then the "sure it wouldn't be technically difficult" result can go straight to the graveyard.

We have consistently built five (5) separate information and trading platforms from scratch, evolutionarily gaining experience, watching our competitors die all the time, have grown a huge ecosystem, maintain it and develop it. Twice we tried to create a hybrid lock+netting system, we spent time thinking about it, but each time we threw the idea away with cries of "God forbid!

We get advice all the time on how to kill ourselves against the wall. But we are not suicidal to build another F35, for we are responsible both for our own well-being and for the stability of what we have already built.

Fortunately, we have a long-term technical outlook rather than a managerial "come on, come on" attitude. That's why we don't behave greedily or chase suicidal goals, but instead build the infrastructure that enables us to be ahead of the rest.

The decision to make MetaTrader 5 netting was exceptionally well made. Now we have MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 netting, which can be developed further.

To reinforce: take a notebook and for two days try to write a hybrid combination of "sophisticated client with autotrading - trade server - risk management/accounting - external integrations". Do not use the "I've seen someone else do it" method and think about it for at least a couple of days. If you come to the conclusion that "anything is possible", then look for an ambush - there is more than one.

To learn: if you are not at the right level of understanding the problem (platform, mass-market, global sales, customer knowledge, market penetration, market retention, statistics, etc.) with real experience, but many levels below (trader, strategy developer), then your reasoning and conclusions are obviously truncated by the lack of overwhelming information.

God with logs, can you clarify the situation with the transfer of dlls and other stuff in particular include headers and other bindings? This feature is not provided?

What about the launch of an executable file on the server side that can interact with the Expert Advisor, say, through the named pipe? I guess there is no way to do it, is there? How does the commenter above put all third-party functionality inside the EA? What kind of monster would that be? ))

What is the exact launch date of VPS MT5?
God with logs, can you clarify the situation with the transfer of dlls and other stuff in particular include headers and other bindings? This feature is not provided?

и еще масса объяснений:!keyword=%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%80%D1%82%D1%83%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D1%85%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3

Почему виртуальный хостинг в платформах MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 лучше обычных VPS
Почему виртуальный хостинг в платформах MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 лучше обычных VPS
  • 2014.11.05
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Сеть Virtual Hosting Cloud разработана специально для MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 и обладает всеми преимуществами родного решения. Арендуйте виртуальный сервер прямо сейчас и протестируйте его работу - мы даем 24 бесплатных часа!
"DLL calls are completely prohibited in the virtual terminal. The first time you try to call a function from a DLL, the running program will stop with a critical error."

How categorical is this statement? Are there plans to add this functionality in the future? Or is it planned to add means that may replace this functionality? For example, take C# - programs written in this language actively interact with the operating system and therefore roughly speaking, 90% of their code is a call of ready-made functions stored in a DLL. And what's the point of reinventing the wheel each time? If you are so confident in the performance of MQL5 compared to the code generated by C platforms, you simply must have this functionality. The purpose of these actions (creation of such a neutered service) is simply incomprehensible to me!

What good with the speed - 1ms? Yes, even 0.1! If you can not do anything at the same time - just sit and enjoy - what a low latency!!!
"DLL calls are completely prohibited in virtual terminal. At the first attempt to call function from DLL the running program will stop with critical error."

How categorical is this statement? Are there any plans to add this functionality in the future? Or are there any tools to replace this functionality? For example, take C# - programs written in this language actively interact with the operating system and therefore roughly speaking, 90% of their code is nothing but calls of ready-made functions stored in a DLL. And what's the point of reinventing the wheel each time? If you are so confident in the performance of MQL5 compared to the code generated by C platforms, you simply must have this functionality. The purpose of these actions (creating such a neutered service) is simply incomprehensible to me!

What good with the speed - 1ms? Yes, even 0.1! If you can not do anything at the same time - just sit and enjoy - what a low latency!!!

How would you feel about your hosting neighbour using a DLL to format your hard disk? Or leak all your neighbours' data files to yourself. Or shut down the computer. Or slow down the neighbours.

This is why the use of DLLs on our hosting is out of the question. If you want something special, get your own VPS.


How would you feel about your hosting neighbour using a DLL to format your hard disk? Or leak all your neighbours' data files to yourself. Or shut down the computer. Or slow down the neighbours.

This is why the use of DLLs is out of the question on our hosting. If you want something specific, get your own VPS.

Unfortunately I do not know all the details of running expert - in a sandbox, a virtual environment or whatever ... By the way, possible crackers don't know this either. How can a user, who is not allowed to do it, format a disk? And of course, how can he copy the data from a directory he is not allowed to access? Or all user scripts and data are located in the same directory? Even peoples peoples a long time ago moved away from the ideology of running anything and everything from a root or a user with all the privileges!
There are many ways to hack, of course, but there is a great rule - everything that is not allowed is forbidden. Follow it and you will be happy!!! To hack into something you must have a clear idea of what you are dealing with))

The master is the master as they say. So the vast majority of people will still use"own VPS".

DLL can not, but I also asked about an alternative in the language itself? Is there one?
A question about resource usage. In the shared hosting thread, you wrote that resource usage should be kept to a minimum. So your hosting is in no way oriented towards so-called HFT systems which can generate huge amount of requests per second?

Also, it's not clear what you're saying about hardware failure? Yes, if you do 100500 checks per second and shove it all in a file on disk, it's bound to fail real fast. But what's the sense in it? Because it dramatically reduces performance of the system itself. What concerns processor load and memory allocation the picture is not clear here too. You may load the processor with calculations, but only if you have to trawl through tons of data non-stop all the way round. What is the sense? While you are shoveling, people make deals and get profit)). Next, the memory - how can you load the memory so that it takes up these 4 hectares available? Upload them all the tick history for several years of an instrument? What's the point?