Virtual hosting in MetaTrader 4/5 platforms and data security - page 6


I personally don't think it's right to have multiple strategies on one instrument at the same time.


Control your greed rather than seeking solace in the self-delusion "a basket of strategies equalises returns".

What do you think of Markowitz's work? Do you reject modern portfolio theory and the mathematical calculations based on it?

If on a single core, in principle it is possible. But if on all cores, there will be an immediate decrease in priority, and then an imminent shutdown.

Limits are configurable and some of them will be shown directly on performance graphs in red line in upcoming builds. We are upgrading our virtual server network every day and increasing the functionality.

By the way, MetaQuotes ID limit overrun notifications from virtual servers have already started working.

I propose to expand the list ofENUM_MQL_INFO_INTEGER and introduce,along with MQL_MEMORY_USED, modifier MQL_PR_RATING (the name is relative) that returns the familiar MQ CPU rating. This will allow developers to better control the load on the server and, if necessary, dynamically reduce the degree of computational tasks.
What do you think of Markowitz's work? Do you reject modern portfolio theory and the mathematical calculations based on it?
Are you on the wrong topic?

No, not the song.

Dedicated hosting is for trading, not for eating up shared resources.

Sorry, but it is naive to expect that only primitive 'one-cell' EAs will be moving around in the darkness of your servers' womb. There will soon be monsters in there too.

And C-4 is right:

I propose to expand enumeration ofENUM_MQL_INFO_INTEGER and introducealong with MQL_MEMORY_USED modifier MQL_PR_RATING (the name is relative) that returns the well-known MQ CPU rating. This will allow developers to better control the server load and, if necessary, dynamically reduce the degree of computation tasks.

-We need to give these monsters the tools they need to control their appetite for computational resources.

I don't want such a wonderful initiative like MT4/MT5-hosting to go bust as soon as it gets off the ground.


Sorry, but it is naive to expect only primitive "one-cell" EAs to move around in the darkness of your servers' womb. It won't be long before there are monsters in there too.

Do you think we are naive?

The fact is that it is exactly the other way round. In our work, we always first cut the features so as not to destroy the system, gain experience, and only then gradually reduce the requirements and let go of the power.

When we built our shared hosting cluster system we invested a lot of effort into the CPU, disk, memory, threads and handles resource control system:

  • we use special-purpose thrifty terminals that know how to control their resources, work in conjunction with the host system, and receive resource instructions from it
  • all users get performance and resource consumption graphs for each terminal
  • we notify account owners about exceeding the limits at an early stage by sending a notification to their MetaQuotes ID
  • automatically reduce priorities for the terminals processes occupying a lot of CPU resources
  • Processes are stopped if thresholds are exceeded over a long period of time
  • At the same time, helpdesk is notified so that it can deal with problems quickly before thresholds are reached
  • continuous monitoring with good reporting works

In other words, monsters let them work, but in a normal neighbourly relationship with the rest.

In a little while we will also open the status page of our services (hosting, cloud, api, signals, etc.) so that all traders can see the quality and stability of the work.

And C-4 is right:

-we should give these monsters the tools with which to control their appetites for computing resources.

Unfortunately no. These counters are on the contrary harmful and will not help in any way in the matter at hand.

I do not want such a wonderful endeavour as MT4/MT5-hosting to collapse just on its feet.

It will not. Look at the services we have been raising and are raising - everything is only growing.

The next builds of MT4 and MT5 will directly integrate the hosting with broker servers and this will lead to an explosive growth of users.

I mean, monsters let them work, but in normal neighbourly relations with the rest of us.


You seem to explain everything willingly and in detail, but you are left with the feeling that you don't answer anything....

It is a widely known folk trivia: progressive drainage of the deposit by the Expert Advisor. Time after time, deposit after deposit. And it is common to watch this process constantly sitting in front of the monitor. And why deprive yourself of the pleasure of observing this vicious action by sending your purchased / written / stolen / downloaded_from_the_codabase Expert Advisor to whatever hosting service? What's the point? An EA is already spending the last of its mum's money on lunches at school, and we still need to pay for hosting!

Therefore, it goes without saying that people who use web hosting (and it does not matter how much it will cost in the end, the main thing is to obtain what is required from the hosting) are serious people and use serious algorithms. They calculate all sorts of statistics and stack portfolios like solitaire. They have to do a lot of calculations to do that, of course... And it's quite natural to want to know how to limit the appetite of EAs, which would not get banned by hosting for greediness, and get an acceptable speed of calculations to be relevant to the market within a strategy. And looking at statistics and CPU load graphs after the EA has been banned is not a good option for the consumer.


Your uncle doesn't have his own computer to do the calculations, or the money to buy his own virtual machine to do the calculations? Then he's not serious.

You're just looking in the wrong direction. Trying to get three hats out of a piece of leather and wondering why you are not understood and not addressed.

We make a mass service for the well-understood and mass task of "hosting the usual experts and copying signals with minimum network latency". And for the rest there are classic VPS with all their disadvantages and advantages.


Your uncle doesn't have his own computer to do the calculations, or the money to buy his own virtual machine to do the calculations? So he's not serious.

Exactly. If you have your own virtual machine and a more powerful one, why do you need yours?


You're just looking in the wrong direction. You try to get three caps from a piece of leather and wonder why you are not understood and do not go along.

Why not that one? Fish look where the fish is deepest, but man where it's best. There are plenty of similar offers on the market, so I wanted to find out the advantages.


We do mass service for the well-understood and mass task of "hosting common experts and copying signals with minimal network latency". And for the rest there are classic VPS with all their disadvantages and advantages.

Now I see. Then the only advantage your offer has over the competition is low timings. That's all. If you take into account the lack of user access to the remote machine, this advantage comes to naught as well.


Exactly. If you have your own virtual machine and a more powerful one, why do you need yours?

I recommend thinking about the world and mass maintenance.

Quite simply - how many people around you are able to not only understand hosting and allocation of VPS servers, remote admin, but have reached the final state of "I use and am happy with VPS on Windows"?

Have you thought about it? You got 1.5 people?

And we have several millions. This service (as well as many others) is exactly for them - click and 5 seconds later you get fast terminal with minimal network latency.

Why not that one? Fish look where the fish is deepest, but man where it's best. Similar offerings are a dime a dozen on the market, so I wanted to find out the advantages here.

There are many similar offers, but for that kind of money ($10) you won't get estimated power anywhere.

You'll get a horribly shared 1 VCPU, where auto-optimization or testing is out of the question. Only occasionally, on an as-yet-unloaded new node, you'll get a decent response to normal activities. The rest of the time it is just lags, massive delays of hundreds of milliseconds on the client side (during trivial disk reads or calls to system functions) and constant stress.

And we have 16-24 real cores, lots of memory (up to short 4gb for MT4 and 16gb for MT5) giving minimal response time throughout and a guarantee that no one will hurt you.

I see. Then the only advantage your offer has over the competition is the low timings. That's it. If you take into account the lack of user access to the remote machine, this advantage is negligible.


You have to have some technical understanding of the situation. Reread the descriptions above, including

Обсуждение статьи "Почему виртуальный хостинг в платформах MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 лучше обычных VPS"
Обсуждение статьи "Почему виртуальный хостинг в платформах MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 лучше обычных VPS"
Аренда виртуального сервера прямо из терминалов MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 - самый оптимальный вариант для организации бесперебойной торговли ваших роботов и подписок на сигналы. - - Категория: статьи и техническая библиотека по автоматическому трейдингу

You have to have some technical understanding of the situation. Re-read the descriptions above, including

There is a minimal understanding. And I've read the articles. But this is why I have questions, because the article describes dynamic downgrading of the corresponding EA (which means that there is nothing to be afraid of - the server will not let itself be suspended anyway), but on the other hand, you say that the voracious EA will be blocked and "there is no need to get impudent". Does dynamic downgrading work or not?