Theorem on the presence of memory in random sequences - page 39

the presence of a random number memory? - is it in whose memory?
Yury Reshetov:

If you are so clever, why don't you march in formation? © Count Arakcheyev

In mathematics and in probability theory alone, there are a lot of unsolved problems, some of which have quite specific amounts of money in concrete terms.

So if you're so smart, why the fuck are you coding glitchy freelance advisors for food?

If you are such a genius, as you say about yourself, then take a dozen lines at your leisure and rake in the dough or refuse to award, as Perelman.

About me being a genius, it's you some here who are twitting. In fact I have it easier than that, I just don't make geese sometimes, and I wish the same for everyone.

And God bless everybody with food like mine.




Well, atheists... are steeped in superstition. Worse than religious fanatics.

For those in the tank and confused by reality.

If the crowd plays Russian roulette, 1/6 of the players will go to the other side of the world and you can't get away from the theory of probability, there are six holes in the barrel and one bullet. But for each player, the outcome will not be random, but it has nothing to do with probability theory.

Олег avtomat:


Would you write something substantial or can't you do it without matlab?

Now I'll write the word "god" more often, you have a funny reaction to it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Would you like to write something in substance or is it possible without Matlab?

You can do it on the merits, too.

But first I would like to ask you: in your eyes, is the organisation called Bauman Moscow State Technical University worthy of attention and respect?

Олег avtomat:

You can do it on the merits, too.

But first I would like to ask you: in your eyes, is the organisation called Bauman Moscow State Technical University worthy of attention and respect?

Unfortunately not anymore and for a long time.

Although it makes no difference, it would be that it is relevant and intelligent, but these Baumanists are mostly just drumming their heels in their chests. Have any of them learned how to win at a showdown?

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Unfortunately not anymore, and for a very long time.
In that case, to guide you, tell me which similar institutions deserverespect, or at least attention, in your eyes?
Олег avtomat:
In that case, to guide you, tell me which similar institutions deserverespect, or at least attention, in your eyes?
Why? What would it take to make a cooze three times? It makes no difference which institution. It matters what exactly, having medals does not entitle you to anything other than wearing them.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What for? What would it take to do coo three times? It doesn't matter what school. It matters what exactly, having medals does not entitle you to anything other than wearing them.
Well, such well-known personalities as (from ours) A.N.Kolmogorov, V.I.Arnold, L.S.Pontryagin, E.S.Ventzel, V.N.Tutubalin, etc. (from ours), and others. (from foreign ones) N. Wiener, O. Cournot, R. Kalman, etc. --- do they deserve your favour?
Олег avtomat:
Well, such famous personalities as (among ours) A.N.Kolmogorov, V.I.Arnold, L.S.Pontryagin, E.S.Ventzel, V.N.Tutubalin, etc. (from foreign ones) N.Wiener, O.Cournot, R.Kalman, etc. --- do they deserve your favour?
Sorry, haven't thoroughly examined their cabinets for skeletons. In any case, nothing is taken on faith here, so names are irrelevant.