Theorem on the presence of memory in random sequences - page 38

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Yuri, why don't you answer that question first?

What's there to answer?

I don't care about his regalia. After all, they are his regalia, and they do not make me feel hot and cold, even if he is an academician and a winner of the prize named after the inventor of dynamite, even if he is an applicant for university.

The point is that, as a representative of the religion you are "saving from rape", he once again confirms its obvious religiosity, and quite publicly.

It is the same as if a priest would say that though the existence of the Almighty is not proved yet, but, in practice, the faithful bow down. Similarly in probability theory and other "scientific" disciplines. If there is a certain number of believers, then religion will take place and ritual practice with it.


He is unconvincing in doing so. Even more so, he immediately demonstrated his inadequacy on the subject.

Why try to prove something with words? There is a theory of probability. Everyone has a computer these days. You can stupidly take and simulate the solution of all the problems from any problem book and make sure that the theoretical solution corresponds to the practical results.

Yury Reshetov:

What's the answer?

I don't care about his regalia. After all, they are his regalia, and they do not make me feel hot and cold, even if he is an academician and winner of the prize named after the inventor of dynamite, even if he is a university student.

The point is that, as a representative of the religion you are "rescuing from rape", he is reaffirming its obvious religiosity, and very publicly.

It is the same as if a priest would say that though the existence of the Almighty is not proved yet, but, in practice, the faithful bow down. Similarly in probability theory and other "scientific" disciplines. If there is a certain number of believers, then religion will take place and ritual practice with it.

Don't get upset.

Do you want me to show you how to calculate pi by Monte Carlo?

Orthe process of gamma ray scattering on an electron by Monte Carlo?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Unconvincing he does it.

For believers it will do the trick.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why try to prove something in words? There is a theory of probability. Everyone has a computer these days. You can simply simulate the solution of all the problems in any problem book and make sure that the theoretical solution corresponds to the practical results.

And then either take it for granted or spend a lot of time kicking programmers to dig out the old glitches and plant new ones.

It's like "proving" economic theories with tester grails, as the docent does.

Yury Reshetov:
1. For the faithful, it's fine.

2. Uh-huh. And then either take it on faith, or kick programmers for a long time to dig out the old glitches and plant new ones.

3. it's like "proving" economic theories with tester grails, like the docent does.

1. Doesn't seem to fly very well.

2. That's a hell of a lot of work. A dozen lines of code.

3. For some people, it's a slap in the face.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. 1. Doesn't seem to work very well.

Because any religion is always infested with all sorts of little patsies who think they are the chosen ones. Hence religious intolerance, even within the religions themselves, not to mention external competitors. Sucks to be a believer who doesn't consider himself a patriarch.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

2... How complicated is that? A dozen lines of code.

And 500 glitches in each one.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

3. For some people, it's as easy as punching them in the face.

The docent, judging by his avatar, has an impenetrable forehead.

The slate rustles quietly as the roof rides on.

Do without glitches, it's in your hands.

Which docent?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Do it without glitches, it's all in your hands.

It's not like we can't talk about it.

If everything was in our hands, then why are we fussing about it on forums? I mean, if everything was glitch-free, what's the use of "science" and other religions?

Yury Reshetov:

It's not like we're talking about a sack of paper.

If everything was in our hands, then why are we fussing on forums? I mean, if everything was glitch-free, why the need for "science" and other religions?

You see, Yuri, some words, and maybe even all of them, change their meaning a little bit depending on the context in which they are used. In particular the word "all" in that phrase implied no more than the possibility to write 10 lines of code without mistakes, not all of everything in the world.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

... no more than being able to write 10 lines of code without making mistakes, not everything is all there is to it.

If you are so clever, why don't you walk in formation? © Count Arakcheev.

In mathematics and probability theory, for example, there are a lot of unsolved problems, some of which have quite specific sums of money assigned to them.

So if you are so smart, then why the fuck are you coding glitchy freelance advisors for food?

If you are such an unbridled genius, as you say about yourself, then take a dozen lines at your leisure and rake in the dough with a shovel, or refuse to pay a premium, like Perelman.