Theorem on the presence of memory in random sequences - page 8

Yury Reshetov:
Exactly, only the "sacred scriptures" should be taught. Anything that doesn't belong to them is notorious heresy.
But do you agree that I can slice a piece with non-zero MO from any random series with MO=0?
Yury Reshetov:
Exactly, only the "sacred scriptures" should be taught. Anything that does not apply to them is self-evident heresy.
At least state the rules of the game in plain language.
But do you agree that I can slice a piece with non-zero MO from any random series with MO=0?
If retrospectively, it will no longer be a "random" series, but a known one. So don't try to be sophistic. We've been there, we know about such tricks.
Yury Reshetov:
If retrospectively, it would no longer be a "random" series, but a known series.
OK, I'll put it another way - do you agree that a sufficiently small sequence of random numbers has non-zero MO even if the whole series has MO=0?
Ok, let me put it another way - do you agree that sufficiently small series of random numbers has non-zero MO even if the whole series has MO=0?

The expectation is not calculated by frequency, but by probability.

A random subset of a sequence of random events by definition has no expectation, since its results are frequencies.

Therefore another sophistry on your part, since there is no formula for calculating expectation by frequency in probability theory.

Yury Reshetov:

The expectation is not calculated by frequency, but by probability.

A random subset of a sequence of random events, by definition, has no expectation as its results are frequency.

Therefore it is another sophistry on your part, since the formula for expectation calculation by frequency is absent in the probability theory at the moment.

;)))) but what if we deal with a random series characterized by a uniform distribution? Like a game of dice or eagle-reckoning? MO of winning is not determined by frequency?
;))) but what if we deal with a random series characterized by a uniform distribution? Like a game of dice? MO is not determined by frequency?

Don't say anything. Expectation is calculated by probability of equally possible random events, at least in Kolmogorov's axiomatics.

Or provide a link to that place in probability theory where the expectation is calculated by a formula containing the frequency of random events as an argument.

It turns out the situation here is much worse than it seemed.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Turns out it's a lot worse than it looks.
;)))) but what if we are dealing with a random series that is characterised by a uniform distribution? Like a game of dice or eagle-reckoning? MO of winning is not determined by frequency?
We are not talking about some fifth or fiftieth throw/stroke, but only the third, the value of which is determined by the previous two.