F - page 94

Олег avtomat:

Experimentation is needed to catch the "fish". Without that, there is no way.

Another question is who has set their mind on what "fish" - the essence of experiments depends on it (and for many it may seem strange, surprising, incomprehensible - this is because they imagine "fish" in a different way).

The signal is good, but I`m confused by absence of negative deals).

Alexey Volchanskiy has suddenly disappeared, signals are stopped, there is no activity. I would like to see him continue, he started well).

Oleg Tsarkov:

The signal, I see, is good, but I'm confused by the lack of negative trades).

Do I have to have negative trades? ;))
Олег avtomat:
Do the negatives have to be??? ;))
Yep. (chuckles)
There's the matrix in action. In the mind. And anything outside the matrix the mind refuses to accept.
Олег avtomat:
This is the matrix in action. In the mind. And anything beyond the matrix the mind refuses to accept.
It would be nice if it wasn't so sad. You're fooling yourself by not closing unprofitable trades. Or do you have a fetish for lossless pictures? Pictures...
Artyom Trishkin:
It would be nice if it wasn't so sad. You are cheating yourself by not closing losing trades. Or do you have a fetish for pictures with no losses? Pictures...
Funds are nothing! Balance is everything!!!
Oleg Tsarkov:
Funds are nothing! Balance is everything!!!
Thanks, it made me laugh :)))))
Artyom Trishkin:
It would be nice if it wasn't so sad. You are cheating yourself by not closing losing trades. Or do you have a fetish for pictures with no losses? Pictures...
This has nothing to do with a fetish. It's about the algorithm.
Олег avtomat:
The fetish has nothing to do with it. It's about the algorithm.
A revolver? With five rounds...

The idea that it is impossible to break even is so ingrained in the minds of people that they do not even question it. And understandably, evidence is everywhere. But confirmation is not proof. I hope everyone understands that.

On the other hand, a break-even point may not have a rigorous proof but it can be an empirical proof -- and it must have an empirical proof to justify its existence.

I suggested this idea a long time ago. Since then, this idea ofthepossibility of break-even operation forced me to set objectives-questions-experiments, to seek answers, to solve problems encountered along the way, and to some extent, it guided my actions.

At the moment, I am convinced that I am right in my idea -- not blind faith, but an applied theory based on empirical laws. It can only be validated empirically - that's what Tractor RE will do.

Put the question this way :

What is the number of operations? and/or what is the resulting growth? and/or what is the operating time? and/or (anything else?) --- can be considered sufficient for confirmation? I look forward to your opinions, objections, considerations, etc. ;)


At the time of writing these lines :

Three days of work (Mon/Wat/Wed).

Tractor RE made

32 full trades,

a gain of 48.51%,

max drawdown 14.49%,

no losing trades,

5 orders open in the market.


Why don't we open a new thread? Or organize a poll?

Moderators won't mind?


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