F - page 7

Beats everyone, you and your opponents alike. Only the tractor is the market ;)

Well, that's too general.

I'm talking about the current race.


Well, that's too general.

I'm talking about the current race.

In the current race, the tractor is already just saving itself from the final kick :)))))

Although... there's enough slapstick in there.


In the current race, the tractor is already just saving itself from the final kick :)))))

Although ... there's already enough flick in there.

It's no big deal.
It's no big deal.
I agree there was nothing wrong. Five dollars from the office. Three left. Next week, one. A negative result is also a result. As long as it's for the good. It's the first time you don't draw a conclusion.
I agree that there is nothing wrong with it. Five dollars from the office was. Three left. Next week, one. A negative result is also a result. As long as it's for the good. It's the first time you don't draw any conclusions.
;) I am much more optimistic.


Why twist the facts like that?

Andrei, you are the only one in this thread who talks about the ACS. But do you know much about ACS in general? Your design fervour did not last long at that time. You burned out quickly, retreating at the sight of the difficulties of the way.

Oh, so there's no ACS in the system after all? That's what I'm saying. You said there was.

I remember, I remember. I wrote that post after you opened the curtain behind the scenes (I asked to be your student). But it didn't take long for me to become convinced of my previous opinion - wipers are wipers, and there's no P, PI, PID or anything else there.

But apparently you have continued some of your research. And you did not succeed.

I continued. I tried to use TraceMode. The results did not inspire me for further research. Well, my gut still prompts me that it is not worth digging in this direction. It's not that I didn't have enough knowledge to go on. The matter is that I understand that in the market we have access to purely discreet information, and with different density (if I may say so) at different times. Plus the fact that the market has no inertia, which means that ACS in the classical sense are not applicable here. It may be possible to use some clever ACS, but it is not the one they teach in uniƟes.

But it's not a problem that it didn't work out right away. I also did not succeed in many things at once. But instead of continuing researches you, you retreated in front of the wall that is impenetrable for you. But already with confidence about impossibility of the task solution - if you can't do it, no one can do it either. But in fact, it's a certainty of your own impotence. And you've convinced yourself of that.

What do you mean, it didn't work? It worked, I got a result. It was a negative result, and it was an invaluable experience and another piece of understanding of the world. You, on the other hand, are not learning from your mistakes.

Hence the bile you're spewing...

No bile. Just used to calling things by their proper names. Not in the habit of engaging in self-deception and deceiving other people.

Change your attitude and the results will show.

Here's the thing... You don't have to change your mind, that's not the point. You need to go step by step towards the goal (we have, by and large, the same goal here) - to make money. In eight years of market research I have tried many things, oooh a lot. When I get the feeling that it is useless - I throw my developments (and these are hours, days, months of work) in the trash. And when I understand perspective - I put it into archive (when I get my hands on it) or use it in current developments. I have written systems, probably, for all standard indicators and their combinations, for a long time I was involved in neural networks, it took me more than a year on GA. Extrapolators and filters of all sorts. I tried to use statpacks. I tried a lot of things (ready-made and available ideas) and a lot of things I developed and use by myself.

But there are several truths that I have discovered, without which it is impossible to survive in the market, regardless of method and type of TS. This is the maximum risk of losing money in each trade of no more than 2-3%. The rest of the deposited funds are not needed for possible drawdowns (as they say in such cases - money must work), but for the opportunity to re-enter the market. If the risk is 2%, then you can try a lot of these attempts, because trading without loss-making trades is utopia. But if the system allows unlimited (up to a margin call) then there may be no retries.

And the mash-ups themselves, they're not so bad after all. I'll have to apply the cliché "you have to know how to cook them". That's exactly what I'm using right now. But apart from them, there's a lot more to go with them. You have to be able to admit your mistakes and move on. There are dead ends from the path (you've already seen me in one of them), but you can't see where I am already. But where you are, you can see very well - it's still there
You have to be able to admit your mistakes and move on.
That's right. That's exactly right.
Do whatever you want. You can even do coffee grounds. But call it coffee grounds. And keep the drawdown on the trade under 2% of the deposit. AND YOU'LL BE FINE.
Do whatever you want. You can even do coffee grounds. But call it coffee grounds. And keep the drawdown on the trade under 2% of the deposit. AND ALL WILL BE WELL.
I'll take care of my drawdown. You take care of yours. You'll be fine.
I'll take care of my own slippage. You take care of yours. You'll be fine.

Of course it is.

And as usual, you've blown off a piece of friendly advice again.

Fuck you and your advice? - I'm coming. Don't get all pissed off.