A question for the administration - page 2

Your topic is suitable for Blogs. Sections "Analysis and forecasts" - "Trading systems" and "My trading". - "Statistics".

They should not have deleted it, let such topics be too.

Why restrict people unnecessarily - that's not the point of the project.


Hello, Renat.

I created a thread in the Trading Systems section yesterday. It's gone now.

Renat, please clarify the situation.

I think it was deleted for nothing.

Create it anew, please. But preferably in neater language, so it doesn't look advertising/pathos/provoking/etc.

Your topic is suitable for Blogs. Analytics and Forecasts - Trading Systems and My Trading - "Statistics".

If my theme is suitable for Blogs, why isn't it suitable for a forum?

Does the trading system violate the forum rules?

Are you planning a "thank you" button in the threads? - It would be quite useful, for adequate users it would save time and would not require writing a thank you message
There was a thought of doing such a thing, but first we'll upgrade the chats and profile.

They should not have deleted it, let such topics be too.

Why restrict people unnecessarily - that's not the whole point of the project.

In less than a week, everything will simply be flooded with topics like "Analytics", "I think the trend will be...". And there won't be a single new topic about programming.

"Like", "Thank you", "Plus" and the like are all for forums frequented by characters like Ellochka the Ogre, who can't capitalise sentences and don't know that commas and full stops exist.

Your topic is appropriate for Blogs. The Analysts and Predictions - Trading Systems and My Trading. - "Statistics".

Very often this moderator is wrong.

I am very unhappy with him.

I suggest that next to each moderator's post a "Tap the stick" button is a kind of "finger down" )

Can be for all users not just near moderators.

ZS: If a character gets 100 (not necessarily 100) strokes then ban, so you can shouty and rascals self-moderate.


I think you should have removed it for nothing.

Create it again, please. But better in neater wording, so it doesn't look advertising/pathos/provoking/etc.

Thank you, Renat.

Can't it just be restored? After all, there is an option to restore deleted posts.

I've never done any advertising, although there have been earlier such accusations in my direction in my mcl4 thread, completely unfounded.

In less than a week, everything will be flooded with topics like "Analytics", "I think the trend will be ...". And there will be no new threads about programming.

That's what the sections are for.

Active people expand the community. share systems. you can look up someone else's and remake it for a software product =) this will only benefit the forum.

In less than a week, everything will just be flooded with topics like "Analytics", "I think the trend will be...". And there won't be a single new topic about programming.

It's better to reach the boundaries of what is possible, and then cut at a clear inflection. As the community grows, the boundaries have to be widened.

Everything remains under control and there are enough moderators.

sanyooooook: it's like a "finger down" )

it is possible for all users, not just near moderators.

SZS: If a character gets 100 (not necessarily 100) strokes, then the ban, so you can shouty and villains self-moderate.

No need - then half of the communication will be reduced to a showdown, who "nuked" the post or karma

and "thank you" - it's quite nice, especially when one post with a dozen of thanks, so to say the positive increases :)