FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 940

it's not a good job to guide teenagers on the path and then you'll be blamed))))
yeah =) well, i'm used to it =) i've always defended my goals, and oddly enough =) my goals have always come up =))

I don't give lessons.

I don't give lessons, but the basics have been laid out here.

But once you have mastered the basics, it will be interesting to find and understand something on your own.

for example, price movements in the medium term, long term, and the really cool intraday =)

you just need to remember that volumes do not come from the market !!!!!.

Here were drawings from 1.5338 showing purchases and near the level of 1.5295 , but nothing happened from these levels ..And how is this explained in terms of volume trading?
Here there were drawings with 1.5338 showing purchases and near the level of 1.5295 , but nothing happened from these levels ..And how is this explained in terms of volume trading ?
i showed? =)
did I show ? =)
Strange ... I understand that you can ask him ... I understand that you use the same principle ... Or is it like the Elliott Principle, everyone looks somewhere and sees something different?
Strange ... I understand what you say, and ask him ... I think you use the same principle ... Or this principle as the Elliot Principle, everyone looks somewhere and sees something different?

Give me the link, I'll take a look... (but it's more like intro day screens. =)


and here's a picture of the plan for the beginning of the week =)

which is basically what happened. on monday we went where we needed to go. 5350+- stayed at the level for 2 days almost.

And as early as 10am I knew there was going to be a breakdown.

2015.03.04 10:00; 1.5366; 1.5360; 1.5298;

and on top of that, not a single day with outbidding buyers=) we sold out above 5505, gained 2 levels of buyers, and flew =)

and i remember i said i had time to buy =) just last monday =)


and here's a picture of the plan for the beginning of the week =)

which is basically what happened. on monday we went where we needed to go. 5350+- we stayed at the level for 2 days.

And as early as 10am I knew there was going to be a breakdown.

2015.03.04 10:00; 1.5366; 1.5360; 1.5298;

and on top of that, not a single day with overweight buyers=) stomped out above 5505, gained 2 levels of buyers, and flew =)

So it's back to square one? In other words, it takes time to gain volumes and then go upwards?
So everything from the beginning? So we need time to build up the volumes and then go upwards?
time will tell =) ecpiration =) everything will pass =) we will think =)
time will tell =) ecpiration =) will pass everything =) let's think =)
when are you waiting ? you know that ))))

Still on the rampage? =)

Hey there!
Our bitch didn't go up.

Any explanation?

Thank you!