FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 893


I take it this is your and Rena's cow, small enough for two?

flea-ridden... that's no way to sit...

You're messing with the guy's head with the pusillanimals, so he can't get anything off the CME.


flea-ridden... that's not gonna sit still...

they're messing with a guy's head with puttokols so he doesn't go off the CME...

What about 5295 on the pound now?)))
What about 5295 on the pound now?)))

as it is, so it will be...

everyone's been sitting in the euchre for a long time now, the pound sucks...


as it is, so it will be...

everyone's been sitting in the euchre for a long time, the pound sucks...

Yeah, I can see that...


Yes, I see...

yeah, that's what i'm talking about....
Yeah, that's what I mean....
I mean, you need a bigger cow, if you don't have enough on the pound, you can't get enough on the euro, you can't get enough on the euro))))

Last page added about Friday. You're just exaggerating the words... Just trying to talk in innuendo Wren is getting ridiculous). Couldn't you have written it straight...

Probably want to do the following soon...

The option premium is the amount of money paid by the buyer of an option to the seller when the option contract is concluded. In economic terms, the premium is a payment for the right to enter into a transaction in the future.

Often, when they say "option price", they meanthe premium on the option. The premium of an exchange-traded option is thequote for it. The value of the premium is usually established as a result ofthe alignment of supply and demand in the market between buyers and sellers of options. There are also mathematical models that make it possible to calculate the premium based on the current value ofthe underlying asset and itsstochastic properties(volatility,yield, etc.). The premium thus calculated is called the theoretical option price. Normally, it is calculated by the organizer of the trade orby the broker and is available along with the quote information during the trade.

So it is provided to us in the ready form. Nevertheless, it is possible to calculate it by oneself using the trades data, not only by the option's quotation but also by taking into consideration the volumes, although it is not easy.

All the Black-Scholes, Monte Carlo and Monte Carlo bidders use price and volatility, they don't use volumes as information, they should.

Rena probably said he knows everything already))))

I have never wanted to say anything about options and do not want to.)

And Rena can't say anything, this topic is all hints to him and he says it)

Why would I want to do that?
Why would I want to do that?
I mean, is it a big secret or are you just too lazy to discuss the obvious?
What do I need it for?
Maybe you'll get a bonus, they used to give you tambourines or medals two years ago.