FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 823


Myth, a complete resonance on the moon...

Well, what resonance is there, he'll roll back to 25 and a half+- and shake support at 23 and a half, that's all the resonance)

That's the thing: the potato example is perfect in your system, there are plenty of things to add besides potatoes and bazaar to understand. I explained why with your example of potatoes.

But you have dismissed it.

I wasn't talking about potatoes, I was talking about the rules of trade. If you have no thoughts, then that is the end of the conversation.
the only thought is to sell the kiwi...
I wasn't talking about potatoes, I was talking about the rules of the trade. If there are no thoughts, then that's the end of the conversation.
I wasn't talking about the reindeer either... I agree, let's end it...
Well, what's the resonance there, he'll roll back to 25 and a half+- and shake support at 23 and a half, that's all the resonance)
Can I clarify? I thought you said you weren't working with Kad.

and the rent to be taken into consideration:

Well, what's the resonance, he'll roll back to 25 and a half+- and shake support at 23 and a half, that's all the resonance)
Let's whack the moon!
Moon won't even make it to 25.... imho...
Moon won't even make it to 25.... imho ...
It will outbid everybody )))) With 1.2408 I'm in buy . I offered no one agreed)) My first target is 1.2620. I will see how it goes. If it goes higher, it will be 1.2850...)) Yes, find my drawing of the euro and comment)))
I'm in the buy with 1.2408. I suggested to buy it, no one agreed.) My first target is 1.2620. I will see how it goes. If it goes higher, it will be 1.2850...Yes, find my drawing of the euro and comment))))
I will not say anything....