FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 746


people, yes, but nature, we'll see...

You can't fool the bullfighters...

When the default comes in SA. Who will evacuate American soldiers from all over the world back to their homeland?
The first signal to me isthe Swiss franc. I do not think they will stay there long. As for the soldiers, there are no soldiers at all. They are all mercenaries from different countries.
The first signal to me is the Swiss franc ... I do not think they will stay there for long. As for the soldiers, there are no soldiers in fact ... They are all mercenaries from different countries.
With the default by the Shah! Are their debts to other countries reset?
With the arrival of the default of the SHA! Are their debts to other countries zeroed out as well?
How to be indebted to themselves?
How to be indebted to yourself?
A profitable position!
Счетчик внешнего долга США
Счетчик внешнего долга США
From my point of view, gold will start to fall soon so that countries "did not fool around" so to speak (gold reserves will be spent by selling) and nobody will want to mess with gold (those who want it back)...The first level is 900-920 and further if it does not hold 570-600
From my point of view, gold will fall soon so that countries "did not fool around" so to speak (gold reserves will be spent by selling) and there was no one willing to mess with gold (those who want to return something)...The first level is 900-920 , and beyond if not held 570-600
A level of 2000.00! And this is not the limit looking at the graph with a period of a month.
And the level is 2000.00! And that's not the limit looking at the monthly period chart.
In my view, it is not realistic ... Simply because there is no money ... And it is even easier ... Gold is mainly held in banks ... There was a bank, which one could trust the Swiss one, but it is already taken... Therefore, there is no interest in gold yet ...
... From my point of view, it is not realistic ... Simply because there is no money ... It is even easier ... Gold is mainly held in banks ... There was a bank, which one could trust the Swiss bank, but it is already taken... Therefore, there is no interest in gold yet ...
And if the bulls are making a trap for the Bears. It is just a game.