FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 612

Are you sure? I'm not.
And you are sure, it's just that his strategy contradicts yours, and he is used to blaming all strategies that are not like yours, I told you - you both work in profit and your systems contradict each other, which is already before the experience

Ilya, what do you call the lines drawn on the chart, based on your price assumptions?

My levels are the levels of large sales and purchases. And yours?

IDLER answered earlier than me...
Well done Speculator, he's probably already counting the profits on the pound

It's on to the next one.

And you're sure, his strategy contradicts yours, and you're used to blaspheming all strategies that are not like yours, I told you - you both work in profit and your systems contradict each other, which is already up to the experience.
I don't want to discuss it.

IDLER responded earlier than me...

Ilya, Idler gave you good advice which you did not heed.

Can your levels be programmed? I mean, is it a human factor or an indicator? I just want to automate and check on the history of currency test
I think so, but I can't say for sure.
Old, tell me about the levels in details!

It goes from there.

if you're in intraday, you'd better cover the profits where you planned


Ilya, Idler gave you good advice which you did not heed.

he wrote to you about the koloputs...

if you're intraday, you'd better cover the profit where you planned
On the pivot.

he wrote to you about koloputs...

That's because he's very old and retarded)))


It's going to go further.

2 pips short

Nerveswavered closed ((