FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 595

Spieling, spoofing and other delights for flea-baiters)))))))



Got it

Now the fleas will be shot off)
Spiking, spiking and other delights for fleabags)))))))

promised 77p, closed with 62p.

will bounce back and another wave for the willing:

and pound unchanged:

oops =) 600 page=) I should check in=) maybe I'll have a 600 Meren after all=)
oops =) 600 page=) need to check in =)) maybe I'll have a 600 Maren after all =)
Sensei's gone missing.
oops =) 600 page=) I should check in=) maybe I'll have a 600 Meren after all=)


I will close the sale on GBP/USD as long as the market gives a chance.


I'll close the sale on GBP/USD as long as the market gives a chance.

Wise thinking, my lad)))

I will close the GBP/USD sale while the market gives a chance.

There will be more waves to come... The game goes on )
Folks what happened to AUD/USD that dropped so sharply and is it worth selling?