FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 573


Yes? Manoeuvre? Advantage? There are plenty more clever words to come up with. But what's in the drawdown?

I'm telling you, it's self-delusion.

All our life is a self-deception, the drawdown is dissipating and the deposit increases, let it be this self-deception. Not jelly in the constant cutting of losses and as a consequence the deposit.
Who likes what they like. (pending stop)

Teacher, how dare they teach you?!?!

Can you, Sensei?

Thank you)


Why do we need your conclusions? (Especially if they are wrong)

Supp. seems to have changed its mind about the eura going down - they are buying out. (so tell me in advance where it will go )))))

Teacher, excuse me for asking, but how many times do you have to be told before you get the message?))

Yes? Manoeuvre? Advantage? There are plenty more clever words to come up with. But what's in the drawdown?

I'm telling you, it's self-delusion.

And you have to understand a slump, it is not an easy trick either, how to get out of it and what to do to make it go away, on its own, without any losses.
Besides, the landing has to be understood, it's not an easy trick either, how to get out of it and what to do so that it dissipates, by itself, without losses.

There is nothing to understand here. And neither do you. Otherwise there wouldn't be any slippage. And they do.

You want to destroy a lot, i.e. to close one order at the right time and place, and a little later at the right time and place another one. But damn it, if you are so damn good at finding the "right time and place" - why not just enter with one order and make money?


In addition, the landing should be understood, it is not an easy method, how to get out of it and what to do so that it dissolves itself without losses.

The drawdown is absorbed along with the depo, and you should have thought about how not to get into it, and now the smartest thing to do is to cut the loss and forget about it.

The teacher has shown us more than once the depletion))))))))))))))))))))


There is nothing to understand here. And neither do you. Otherwise there wouldn't be any slippage. And they do.

You want to destroy a lot, i.e. to close one order at the right time and place, and a little later at the right time and place another one. But damn it, if you are so damn good at finding the "right time and place" - why not just enter with one order and make a profit?


I enter the order, it is not so easy, I have to increase my balance in order to enter that order. To be more precise, to buy out the right amount of pips.
I come out, on the same order, not so simple, it is necessary to increase the balance, to reach that same order. More precisely to redeem the required amount of pips.

It's all a play on words, about nothing.

So why isn't the pound going down if there are more sales?)

Yesterday it bought 83364 contracts worth $30115 each with a strike price of 1.5473. Why?

And another 12645 at $21736 each with a strike price of 1.5545.

And there are 17 contracts at $14300 with an exercise price of 1.5626.

What is all this about?)))


It's all a play on words, about nothing.

So why isn't the pound going down if there are more sales?)

Maybe because there are too many? =)

The drawdown is absorbed along with the depo, and you should have thought about how not to get into it, and now the smartest thing to do is to cut the loss and forget about it.

The teacher has shown us more than once the depletion))))))))))))))))))))

Your teacher did not understand the principle. Depletion comes from channel expansion and insufficient redemption capacity.