FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 506


Myth, who's the one who's stocked up, not you?)

North's turkey is great, I had a similar idea with the zones, only I didn't think to make a time reference
I wonder how Idler is doing =) with Malzaharca tearing his hair out =)
He ran out of money bags)))

Myth, who's the one who's stocked up, not you?)

me too=) mine is lower and a bit on each of them=)

remember when I told you =) what did you ask??? where are the volumes =) ??? here they are =) they'll show up like I said =)

it's ok, you're learning, but you need to shift the vector a bit


3ppt missed the mark.


3ppt missed the mark.

2398 BL should have been

and me too=) mine is lower and a bit on each of them=)

remember when i warned you=) what did you ask??? where are the volumes=) ??? here they are =) they'll show up like I said =)

it's ok, you're learning, but you need to shift the vector a bit

What a shift, i told eidler - buy it, he stuck to his rand. I told Eidler to buy his rand and he stuck to it. He was right in some respects, there is a lot of money there.)


3ppt missed the mark.

Reaching and pulling in)
will reach and retract)
well they want a bounce =) and the bottom target is bfla 2395=) +3 pips spread, that's a bounce =)
well they want a bounce =) and the bottom bfl target is 2395=) +3 pips spread that's the bounce =)
Yesterday at 2580 spoke - ran, ran, ran and as I came there are no willing sellers. Quiet as a grave, now bounces)