FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 289


No... I confused it with patsaks (Kinza = dza)...

patsaks... patsaks... of course ))) though I'm sure he won't get the idea... today he turned down the role ))))


More tomorrow -
ECB interest rate decision
ECB press conference and monetary policy commentary

a fairy tale for tomorrow )))) (from katsapi)

Born is born, but who are his daddy and mummy?)

do you think it's better... ? ... :-)))

Впервые в истории Канады главным банкиром стал украинец
Впервые в истории Канады главным банкиром стал украинец
На днях на должность управляющего Банком Канады был избран Стивен Полоз. Он является канадским украинцем в третьем поколении, пишет "Комсомольская правда в Украине". "Украинская община Канады поздравляет Полоза в связи с наиболее важным и престижным назначением. Он имеет безупречный послужной список и опыт работы в Банке Канады, и мы уверены...

You don't need to know it, just look at it)))

What did Sensei take from me?

And why did HE draw that squiggle down....


You don't need to know that, just look at it)))

What did Sensei draw from me?

And why did HE draw that scrawl down....

You can spell it with a small letter, by the way your Aussie prediction is even worse than mine.
You can spell it with a small letter, by the way your Aussie prediction is even worse than mine.
Well, that's how dumb I am(((.

a fairy tale for tomorrow )))) (from katsapi)

I will tell you one thing... do not get offended ))))

the eura does not go down like that in life... )))


I'll tell you one thing... don't be offended ))))

the euras don't go down like that in life "overnight"... )))

that's the story
you can spell it with a small letter.
there you go... you can do it whenever you want )))) keep it simple... people will start coming around ))))
it's a fairy tale
hilarious )))) as you say Sensei )))
hilarious )))) as you say Sensei )))