FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 281

No// all the cool kids here! )
There's an opinion that you have the grail )))
There is an opinion that you have the grail ))))

Can't you see HIM?

Speaking of impenetrable wagons...))

I'm not sure what to do, but I've already covered everything, I'm tired of waiting for it.


Can't you see HIM?

Speaking of impenetrable mash-ups...))

I`ve tried to enter from the beginning of the trend, pyramiding along the trend from the red one and good luck) but I`ve covered everything, I`m sick of waiting.

You've got it right, or they'll pyramid you.)

And in general, you're good - you're honouring the mashka. Do you honour the Teacher?)

where is the euro going?
Where's the eu going?
Towards equilibrium. ))
It's sad without the Master, I don't know how to trade further, he has always brought something eternal, light, good into our lives ...
Towards equilibrium. ))
к 1.20?
Sad without the Master, I don't know how to trade further, he has always brought something eternal, light, good into our lives ...

Life without him is empty, loses all meaning.

If anything, I didn't bring the quid down.

к 1.20?
That's the opinion. We'll check it out. )