FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 268

For some people it depends on what they are.
Of course, we are discussing currency forecasts, and a third one comes and shows a screenshot - he said he bought it yesterday... (If you trust them, you can exchange screenshots.)

stranger has recently rightly said that what we discuss is nothing but harm))

i got 5 orders on the eurik from 1.17, read the people sentiment and closed at 1.163)

I think it's OK to make screenshots of forecasts! (I seldom comment on forecasts, alas)
I think it's OK to make screenshots of forecasts! (I don't comment on forecasts very often, alas)
Of course, we are discussing currency forecasts, and then a third one comes and shows a screenshot - he said he bought it yesterday... (If you have trust, you can exchange screenshots...)
yes, it certainly is a pampering
I think it's OK to make screenshots of forecasts! (I seldom comment on predictions, alas).
You work hard, oh great one, you work as hard as a bee))

stranger has recently rightly said that what we discuss is nothing but harm))

i got 5 orders on the eurik from 1.17, read the people sentiment and closed at 1.163)

You go in, you go out. you never know. the entry may have been aimed irrespective of the mood of the others, right?
I think it's OK to make screenshots of forecasts!(I seldom comment on forecasts, alas)
ouch ouch ouch ouch))))
I actually posted the screenshot for Kostya and I think, Sensei, you should... should not)))
You drive yourself, you finish yourself. You don't know what's going on. You're probably aiming to be independent of the mood of others.
if you always did everything right .... you know ))