FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 203

I promise not to show off ))))

If you want to avoid being disturbed for hours, do not show TP and SL. the machine itself can cope with such tasks as profit and loss))))

I'm trying to figure out how to use this new feature - they showed me a new 10x (!!!) margin change on previously open orders, so I'm busy reworking the whole program (I changed brokerage companies, so to speak, I'm already in pain)...

bought a pound?
I promise not to show off again ))))

Nah, show off while HE's resting, there's no one to))))

My kiva on 7702 just wants to get gobbled up)

Dropped a pound, the bastards(

Nah, show off while HE's resting, there's no one to))))
TP 16930 )))
Bam and fixing ))))

and again that stupid thought in my head .... why did i bet so little................greed)

the pound was completely breakeven... i'm gonna go get drunk ((

You'll write the dots later, later.
You can write the points later, later.
you can look at the timetable, not the forum.
You should be looking at the chart instead of the forum.
Why should I look at the chart? I know that the pound is 53 today or tomorrow).