FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1522

Roman Busarov:
The market's task is to screw the majority in order to make money for the minority, which I think is clear =)
The teacher spent the whole day here on this subject, but in his usual manner, inserting "clowns" and "duckbills"))).

You could have thought of it yourself - weight+volatility)

Sorry, stupid, old, stupid. I'm not in the habit of thinking for someone else. If you say 20%, justify it...

We have cheeks, masters of loading, they do not know themselves, and offer their opponents - think for yourself, it's simple...

Roman Busarov:
The market's task is to screw the majority in order to make money for the minority, I think it is clear from here on =)
The market does not have any tasks, the market is a soulless substance, and it cannot have desires)))))
The market does not have any tasks, the market is a soulless entity, and it cannot have desires)))))
No, you're wrong, the market is for those who invest big money, who can move it and their job is to screw us over as much as possible, I mean everyone else but them)

Sorcerer, you're not reading carefully! The history is all holey, I've downloaded it from various sources, I haven't found a complete one. If you find it in minutes, at least from '99, I'll bow at my feet.

Yours is, "It's truncated in MT. There's no quotes for Saturday hours and trading starts on Sunday" -
I read it right and thought you were using others (not MT).
I looked a long time ago and from paid suppliers - I don't see much difference...
Mainly you need extremums on the spot.
Without holes - well, download the teak one and cut it into whatever you want... I think
I used to have it on and somewhere else... but I can't remember the addresses...

But the DCs want to make money on us. Have you ever wondered why it is difficult to enter the market during sharp movements? Has anyone ever managed to do it?

Even though modern computers can conduct hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. If we assume that the dealer has tens of thousands of clients and they all press a button at the same time, there are enough resources to process all the orders. But that never happens, because it is not profitable for the dealer...

Myth looked online, currently high on the current at 1.5613, low at 1.5328.

This is despite the fact that modern computers are capable of hundreds of thousands of operations per second. If we assume that a dealer has tens of thousands of customers and they all press a button at the same time, there are enough resources to process all the orders. But that never happens, because it's not profitable for the dealer...

I don't know how many requests the metac server is capable of processing per second, I think it will die out at the rate of a thousand (that's just a guess).

Parsing messages, logging them into the database, checking if the price has gone off, checking limits...


The DCs, on the other hand, want to make money on us. Have you ever wondered why it is difficult to enter the market during sharp movements? Has anyone ever managed to do it?

Even though modern computers can conduct hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. If we assume that the dealer has tens of thousands of customers and they all press a button at the same time, there are enough resources to process all the orders. But that never happens, because it is not profitable for the dealer...

You've opened up America to us)))
Your - "In MT it's truncated. There are no quotes for Saturday hours and trading starts on Sunday" -
I read it correctly and decided that you use others (not MT).
I looked a long time ago and from paid suppliers - I don't see much difference...
Mainly you need extremums on the spot.
Without holes - well, download the teak one and cut it into whatever you want... I think
I used to have it on and I got it somewhere else... but I can't remember the addresses...

No, not just extremes. If a hole is encountered as the trajectory is calculated, the trajectory is distorted.

I couldn't find anything on ducas. And the ticks are not friendly with time...