FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1440


Offer to buy USD JPY


I propose to sell the pound...


on the lunar news for another hour, and he's got a hissy fit...


I propose to sell the pound...

I assume it will go lower!

I will not sell EUR (neutral position) and I opened a position on JPY (which is the same)

ok. what was the loss on the pomme there at the very end? what was it?

// the grail does not provide for lochs!


ok. what was the loss on the pomme there at the very end? what was it?

// the grail does not provide for loki!

i have not fixed anything there, the drawdown in the main system continued (on the eu pips), there is no grail, i do not trade lots. (I think you already asked me about losing lots - you're stuck!)
Doll is rampant - determined to pump up the Eura
I have not fixed anything there, the drawdowns in the main system have continued (on eu pips), there is no grail there, I do not trade with loks. (I think you've already asked me about losing lots - you're stuck!)
i don't need to pipsqueak...

It didn't sell well.


I didn't sell well.

the kiwi will pay off...

or pounddoba...