FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1389

you're right - the main thing is not to get hooked by the marketplace.... and Tuma wrote above, also correct by the way, how to spot the catch....

which post?
thanks !

Hi there, Renchik.)
our explorer of arcane knowledge )
Max, one more hour, then fiddling at the extremum and everything is down )))

time.... For example the euro is falling on H1 (H4 is still correction upwards) and it lasts for 2 days and 1oo pips - so do not fall - the time is up. Except for predictions in the movement scenario (the scenario - it is called when there was a processing of the prediction and just in case to overflow on stops already far), I started to dose dose my mind (of course) and

got "logic traps" - i call it when downwards is expected and + more or less some kind of pattern in the development! - a logical trap is a breakdown of a pattern and expectation.

Now look at the EUR, H4 channel down, the expectation is 1.04 - breaking of the pattern 1.11. (That is why we take a buy position, but there is no script, so .... something may stand - order... it's a long evening).

and who is waiting for the pound at 5280 ?

I realise that only your statements are correct... and all the others are not worthy of your attention...

Your ego isn't off the charts?

Well, I make mistakes sometimes, just like everybody else. And I didn't write that someone else's opinion wasn't worthy of attention. Maybe you're just in a bad mood? )))

And where did you get the information that breast milk has 0.3 grams of alcohol? In any case, you are wrong and you use information that is aimed at destroying people. In addition, you are deluding yourself and propagating these myths as an excuse for drinking alcohol.

Your main mistake is that you are comparing the endogenous alcohol, which is found in the blood of a completely sober person and is produced naturally during normal metabolism, with ethyl alcohol. The body produces only the amount it needs on its own. If you drink as little as 50 grams of vodka, or a glass of light beer, the norm is already exceeded. The disorders and destruction in the body start when the norm is exceeded.

Therefore, all the talk that taking alcohol in a limited amount is good for the body is, in almost all cases, just another excuse for alcoholism.

It is your right what you do. It is your own business. Your value lies not in what you consume. But just like anyone else, I recommend that you do not consume this poison.

Who's waiting for the pound at 5280 ?
Isn't it early?
Where can you find breasts that give 200 grams per kilo to a 12-kilogram baby? Anka Semenovich is nervously smoking.

You are incontinent again, instead of googling the voraciousness of babies, you bring up your ideal of tittiness, and as usual, you're screwed...

And the calculation I gave, so you don't have to count (maybe you have a problem with that), for a one-month, five-pound human baby.


You are incontinent again, instead of googling the voraciousness of babies, you bring up your ideal of tittiness, and as usual, you're screwed...

And the calculation I gave, so you don't have to count (maybe you have a problem with that), is for a one-month, five-pound human baby.

would do the Euros! (clowns)

You are incontinent again, instead of googling the voraciousness of babies, you bring up your ideal of tittiness, and as usual, you're screwed...

And the calculation I gave, so you don't have to count (maybe you have a problem with that), is for a one-month, five-pound human baby.

instead of labeling it and attributing false ideals, you'd better read the message carefully again and turn on what you're advising everyone to turn on. What does gluttony have to do with it? I'm talking about the volume of breasts and the volume of fluid they produce.
would take care of the euro! (clowns)
Why should we do it? We have no impact on it))

Your main mistake is that you are comparing endogenous alcohol, which is found in the blood of a completely sober person and is produced naturally during normal metabolism, with ethyl alcohol. The body produces only the amount it needs on its own. If you drink as little as 50 grams of vodka, or a glass of light beer, the norm is already exceeded. The disorders and destruction in the body begin when the norm is exceeded.

Can you give me the formula?))) Could it still be the same ethyl?