FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1365

There you go, Ilya with a cd.
ah, that's a kd ))

I wish I knew how to use it
ah, that's the cd ))

i wish i knew how to use it

There's a forum, manuals for the uninitiated, etc.) - биржевой аналитический портал. Практическая торговля на финансовых рынках на основе биржевой информации. - биржевой аналитический портал. Практическая торговля на финансовых рынках на основе биржевой информации.
Акционное предложение Пользователям портала предлагается пакет Standart+Advanced на 2 месяца по акционной цене. Подробную информацию о пакете, индикаторах объема для МТ4 и о платформе ClusterDelta Вы найдете в своем кабинете по адресу Там же находится все необходимое для начала работы. Биржевая информация...

and the poundbazaar:


and the poundbazaar:

Tavaristch, what about the sticks?))

There's a forum, manuals for the unenlightened, etc.)

I've heard of it )) I've been reading it at my leisure. Live and learn as they say ))
Tavaristch, what about the sticks?))

first and , then...

Professor, so what were you saying about the rise in the pound?)

Not about growth, but about no sales on Monday )))


Not about growth, but about no sales on Monday )))

Got it, professor, sorry, dumb(
Nerve cells regenerate - you have been duped

Restore it. ))


I won't tell you anything about the ready-made trading system, because I want you to figure it out for yourself. But about the harm of alcohol and smoking, which are essentially drugs, you can. In addition, getting rid of this disease (addiction) will only increase the likelihood that you will find what you need. )))

There is no organ in the human body on which alcohol does not have a destructive effect. However, it should be noted that the most severe changes occur in the human brain. Because it is in the brain that this poison has a peculiarity to accumulate. As soon as a person drinks a mug of beer or a glass of wine, maybe 100 grams of vodka, the alcohol contained in these drinks is absorbed into the blood. Then, with the flow of blood, this poison enters the brain, which leads to the rapid destruction of the cerebral cortex.

In 1961, three American physicists were able to examine the mechanism of destruction, as it turned out to be not very complicated. To do this, they looked through a long-focus microscope they had made themselves into the human eye. They pointed the microscope at the pupil, namely the small vessels of the retina, pointed the light sideways, and for the first time in the history of science they were able to see the blood flowing inside the vessel.

Physicists were able to see the walls of the vessel, white blood cells (white blood cells) and red blood cells (red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction). They recorded the whole process on film. Everything was very clear, until they found clots (clotted, glued red blood cells) walking around the blood vessels in one of their clients. These clots resembled bunches of grapes. These clumps consisted of 5, 10, 40, 400 and up to 1000 red blood cells each. The physicists were very much surprised and frightened by what they saw, but the man did not feel anything. The scientists then discovered a similar phenomenon in several more clients. After careful questioning of the clients, they found out that these people had been drinking the day before the examination.

The red blood cells had a different property: they began to stick together to form larger balls. It has been observed that the amount of drinking has a snowball effect on the blood, i.e. the size increases with the amount drunk. Different parts of the body have different capillary diameters. For instance, in the brain or the retina, the diameter of the capillaries is so small that red blood cells can hardly pass one by one, sometimes pushing the capillary walls apart. The smallest capillary diameter is 50 times thinner than a human hair and equals 8 microns (0.008 mm). The diameter of the smallest erythrocyte is seven microns (0.007 mm). Considering these data, it is clear that a formation containing several red blood cells cannot pass through such small capillaries. Such a compound is pushed through the branching arteries and then through even smaller calibre arterioles and finally reaches an arteriole of a smaller diameter than the clot itself. This clot simply clogs up this arteriole, the blood flow stops in it and hence the blood supply to some groups of neurons in the brain also stops. These clots are irregular in shape, contain approximately 200-500 red blood cells, and are about 60 microns in size. Even such clots containing thousands of red blood cells have been observed. Naturally, such clots are not only capable of blocking arterioles of small diameter.

The red blood cells stop moving through the microcapillaries, therefore the oxygen stops flowing to the brain cells, which leads to hypoxia, otherwise known as oxygen starvation (lack of oxygen). This phenomenon is perceived by man as a state of intoxication. The same phenomenon leads to "numbness" and then to the death of parts of the brain. One, however, feels euphoric and free from problems. In reality, a part of the brain disconnects from the "unpleasant" information received from the outside.

Finally, scientists managed to prove that it is hypoxia that causes the imitation of freedom which a drunk person feels after drinking alcohol. This sensation attracts people most of all, and it is this sensation that a person tends to get when he drinks. In reality, it is not freedom, but only a dangerous illusion of the drinker. The person tries to fence himself off from the problems he is facing, but he is still surrounded by the same people and circumstances, only unable to assess the situation and control his actions.

It should be noted that the so called 'dream' which occurs in a state of heavy intoxication is not a dream in the physiological sense. Rather, it can be called a loss of consciousness as a result of neurochemical disturbances caused by alcoholic brain hypoxia, otherwise known as an alcoholic coma. It can be explained more simply as follows: the awake body cannot breathe during oxygen starvation and a protective reaction of the body, the so-called "sleep", is triggered to facilitate breathing (in order to avoid human death), during which the metabolism is significantly reduced.

Large blood vessels located in the arm or leg during the initial stage of alcohol consumption are not affected by blood clots. Only the colour of the face and nose changes in people who drink alcohol for a long time. Since a person has many small vessels in the nose, the red blood cell glue formed as a result of alcohol consumption reaches a small vessel and causes an aneurysm (the vessel swells up). The vessel dies off, after which the nose turns blue-purple, as the vessel is no longer functioning.

The processes going on in the head are pretty much the same for everyone. The human brain consists of 15 billion nerve cells (neurons). Each nerve cell (neuron) has its own micro capillary, which feeds it with blood. The diameter of this microcapillary is so small that only one row of red blood cells can squeeze through to nourish the neuron.

As soon as the alcohol glue approaches the base of the micro-capillary, it clogs it and in 7-9 minutes the brain cell dies forever.

So every meal with "moderate" alcohol consumption results in a new graveyard of dead neuronal cells forming in the human head. Almost the same picture is seen by a pathologist dissecting the skull of a dead person who has "moderately" drunk. This is a shrunken brain, smaller in volume, with the entire surface of the cerebral cortex with micro-cuts, micro-viscosities, and structural prolapses. These are all consequences of alcohol consumption.

Why is it that at a young age alcoholic circulatory system disorders and their consequences are not as noticeable as, for example, the same at an older age? It can be explained by the fact that only 10% of all capillaries are functioning in the young body, because the young body has about 10 times the capillary reserve.

But the capillary reserve gets depleted, and with the passage of time alcohol poisoning becomes more noticeable. As the modern man drinks today, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and liver are already detectable in the body at the age of 30. Again sexual disorders, neurosis etc. One has to keep in mind that the effects of alcohol are devastating for every organ or system in the body, so that the consequences are always unexpected. According to some scientists, after drinking 100 grams of vodka at least 8 thousand actively working cells, and especially sex cells and brain cells, die irrevocably. The irreversible death of neurons due to thrombosis and microstrokes in the cerebral cortex leads to the loss of some information and short-term memory impairment.

The brain cells responsible for memory are the first to die off. This may explain why an overdrunk person remembers little in the morning. In addition the processes of information processing are considerably hampered leading to fixation of its essential part in neuronal structures responsible for long term memory.

Imagine the amazement of doctors, pathologists, who perform autopsies on alcoholics, who have died of alcohol poisoning, and they are surprised, not at the damage to the brain, but how can one live with such a brain.

The conclusion is that alcohol is a powerful weapon which purposefully deprives man of his mind. The worst thing is when an entire nation drinks, when people are driven into the swamp of drunkenness. People turn from intelligent, creative individuals into two-legged creatures or simply working herds.

Got it Professor, sorry, dumb(.
After 21:00 MSC possible increase )))