FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1245


What do we think of the EUR/USD?

The eu is down, it will win back positions by the end of the day. Working on a sell from 1.077 to 1.071... Any other thoughts?

We used to like to draw this way in this thread:


used to like to draw like this in this branch:

Hooray. The screenshot is not on a black background. Thank you.
Hooray. The screenshot is not on a black background. Thank you.
You don't like black?
Don't you like the colour black?
Yes. All screenshots, and especially those from mobile devices, look disgusting on a black background.

used to like to draw like this in this thread:

According to my spy data ;) Swings from 1.07 to 1.052 during the month. Me, as a person living in Russia and getting roubles, all the same, the question is gnawing, will the rouble fix in area of 55? Or while the reserves are plummeting, we hold on, and then what will happen?
Based on my spy data ;) Swings from 1.07 to 1.052 during the month. As a person living in Russia and receiving roubles, I am still gnawing at the question, will the rouble fix in the vicinity of 55? Or we just try to hold on for now, and then what would be?
In light of the recent events (and the dollar is in a wide flight) related to the new big currency bank, the ruble is holding out for now. Taking all these factors into account, there will be a surge, but after some flat/reduced dollar value in rubles (banks need to buy dollars cheaper and then sell them at a higher price). time will tell what this surge will result in. i think not less than 70 by the autumn.

the harrier will have to cuddle himself ...


buy a harrier to remedy the situation...

TR 1.2710

More like sell rather than buy
stability is a sign of skill)
Stability is a sign of something else. Maybe your hands have dropped, your interest in life is gone, you've got your heel pressed up against the chair, you've entered your comfort zone. Maybe everything is boring and life has lost its excitement and other things that make the heart beat more often.

used to like to draw like this in this thread:

There used to be sweeter sugar