FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1111

СМИ: расширение Азиатского банка возвещает конец "века США"
СМИ: расширение Азиатского банка возвещает конец "века США"
  • 2015.03.17
МОСКВА, 17 мар – РИА Новости. Решение Великобритании присоединиться к Азиатскому банку инфраструктурных инвестиций AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) – эпохальное событие, которое, возможно, возвещает конец "века Америки" и наступление "века Азии", пишет The Huffington Post. Ни один союзник не был столь предан США, как Великобритания...

I'll figure it out somehow)) I was buying at 50 and selling at 5260, but I haven't seen anyone there))).

You've been chasing elks in droves, and you still will.)

All right, I'll work for now!
I'm selling the eurik for now and will probably take a booze in the next few days)
Was there an angulation? ))) It was! ))) A correction with a negative delta = a move down through the swing was there? ))) It was! )) ))) )))) Now the delta is positive, which means a smooth bourgeois life on the Eu without turmoil )))
Has there been an angulation? ))) There was! ))) Correction with negative delta = walk down through the swing was there? ))) It was! )) ))) )))) Now the delta is positive, which means a normal bourgeois life on the Euro without any upheavals )))
Professor, you're using foul language again, all you have to do is draw an arrow)))) The word delta is especially abusive, so it should not be mentioned, as well as volume, option, futures, stock exchange, especially CME, you can MT and the word price so-and-so, it seems so far)
Has there been an angulation? ))) There was! ))) Correction with negative delta = walk down through the swing was there? ))) It was! )) ))) )))) Now the delta is positive, which means a steady bourgeois life on the Euro without turmoil )))
what can I say... according to my gauges, the market is ready to go down. i don't know when it will happen. the situation is extremely arbitragey. i have positions open with fomo and the dough is growing without stopping......
what can I say... According to my gauges, the market is ready to go down. i don't know when it will happen. the situation is extremely arbitrageous. i have positions open with fomo and the money is growing without stopping......
+1 Millionaire
+1 Millionaire
)))) I'll disappear from here, so I've got something...
+1 Millionaire
Shh, don't shout - you'll burn the whole shop!!! :-D

Here we have a millionaire on a millionaire. There's one who's got a shed full of Helicopters

So, are we getting ready for the big Euro-schuhrer?


So, are we getting ready for the big Euro-schuhrer?

Be specific, be specific))

I think the oohing and aaahing will be on the back of removing the word patient :-D