FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1064

I don't know what to say, sometimes it felt like there was some bribe-taking ...

Those who have something to talk to each other about in particular trade... and those who don't know what we're talking about, that's their problem...

We're not that greedy, we share levels or zones...

We have our own understanding of the market... our systems...

and we formed a team a long time ago...

We don't turn anyone away, new people are welcome... but try to prove a point for once...

I remember coming here in 12 =) or earlier =) I don't remember =)

Of course, I can never say that I have "figured it out" on my own. I am shrouded in a blanket of experience from all previous and current generations. )))
Sober thinking, good for you!
all this option bullshit has been analysed. can you believe it, it's useless. well, it's snowing on you, if they have been, already...
the important thing is not that it was analysed, but by whom? where? when? and how? But then again, if you spread a similar idea around, it might even be better that way. ;))
all this option bullshit has been analyzed. believe it or not, it's useless. well, it's snowing if you've had it...

I know what you mean =) every time I start an argument with you, you end up in the bathhouse =)

Have another drink for me...

well, i haven't tried it and i don't know =)
I never managed to ask them for a balance sheet. they won't give it to me - "trade secret" as if....

Those who have something to talk to each other about in particular trade... and those who don't know what we're talking about, that's their problem...

we're not that greedy, we share levels or more precisely zones...

We have our own understanding of the market... our systems...

and we formed a team a long time ago...

We don't turn anyone away, new people are welcome... but try to prove a point for once...

I remember coming here in '12 =) or earlier =) I don't remember =)

I do not say that it is wrong, but you do not deliver the right message, or are there psychics here?
The important thing is not that it has been analysed, but by whom? where? when? and how? However, if you spread a similar idea, it might even be better. ;))
at the bank. by LSU graduates. a year ago. cool.
at the bank. by LSU graduates. a year ago. cool.
If they haven't 'analysed' anything from derivatives trading, I don't know what they were taught there. Maybe they should start with potatoes again?)))
at the bank. by LSU graduates. a year ago.
Unequivocally it only answers the questions "Where?", "By whom?" and "When?". But "cool" is not the answer. It doesn't answer the question "How?". )))
I put the money on the chart and showed my point, while you show strange lines (I do not say you have it wrong), but you do not finish what you think or are there psychics here?

I asked for a screenshot today. would you at least show it?

I told you personally, before the movement, the EUR, AUD and GBP or not?