FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1952

S&P не понизит кредитный рейтинг Греции до дефолта
S&P не понизит кредитный рейтинг Греции до дефолта
  • 2015.06.29
  • «Газета.Ru»
Международное рейтинговое агентство Standard & Poor's не намерено понижать суверенный рейтинг Греции с ССС до SD (выборочный дефолт) в случае пропуска греческими властями выплат по очередному купону перед Европейским центральным банком (ЕЦБ). Об этом говорится в сообщении Standard & Poor's, поступившем в «Газету.Ru». В сообщении отмечается, что...
A trolleybus number 11 came around the corner...
It braked sharply... the current collectors went off in different directions...

No, it's either up or down...

KUCCL is silliness to the point of pain...

Greece is supposed to repay 1.6 yards of debt tomorrow... possible default.... let's see...
I spoke to her, she said she won't pay it back. Then what was the decision on Saturday?

on the pound and the take ...

and limits in operation up to 5720 (51 farts...)



be our sensei!!!

The teacher is HE alone, HE is great and Mighty, no one can replace HIM, but evil people have removed HIM so HE won't share his Wisdom and Knowledge with us(
The Teacher is HE alone, HE is great and mighty, no one can replace HIM, but evil people have removed HIM so HE won't share his Wisdom and Knowledge with us(
It's been a funny day...

In the 1725 series see - how to find Greece on a map ? Why does the Acropolis belong to the land of Baden-Württemberg ? Which islands can still be bought cheap in Greece ?

And also the intrigue of the week - a week of wailing and ashes and shouting about the depravity of a small but proud country.

Do you honour the Master?
It's been a fun day...
Did they drain the leftovers?)
What, the rest is gone?)

Nah, there's not much left...

We'll finish the rest tomorrow.


No, there's not much left...

We'll finish the rest tomorrow.

The only candidate for the role of Sensei is Yusufhoja, we need to make it official, I don't see anyone else worthy of the role.
