FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1885

That's where we start - institutional participants use technical analysis.

No, we started with everyone sitting in the "pit" and trading solely on what they saw - who entered the trade, how much volume, for what reasons, etc.

And then speculators and brokers were kicked out of the "hole" for a number of reasons - and then it started - moving averages, Grandpa Gunn's angles, divergences, Hartley's butterflies and other stuff =))))

I am trying to make the point that technical analysis is used in trading, and how you will use that fact is another matter!
When Gref was asked about bigdata, he was very surprised. After looking at wps_2.pdf, I understood why)))
The mention of the unhelpful RenCap-RASH model in the research...suggests sad thoughts...

good night, have you seen the oanda pictures (i posted) - what do you think ? is your eu picture up to date ?


good night, have you seen the oanda pictures (i posted) - what do you think ? is your eu picture up to date ?

It ran out on Friday))))
We have to use them from places that have "documented" info.
Exchanges, Ofstat...imho of course...

Judging by the news on euronews, the eU is starting to prepare the population of germany and so on to think that Greece will have to be financed.

Greece will therefore remain in the eU.


Imagine, a person passes his exam and comes to work in a bank using the "price action" methodology...

What do they usually say to a young employee coming out of university? "Forget everything you've been taught".
will fly below the bottom. don't bother if you don't chop.
Anything can happen. But first it'll fly higher than the high one

Nope. He's not from Voronezh. He's from Ishim.

How did you even know he was from Voronezh?

Does he even exist? Maybe he's from Mars?

Well, they are written, so someone is using them.

It all depends on WHO uses them and what capabilities they have. And with what results=)

That's right! Everybody learned the derivative at school too. But not everyone is able to understand and use it!
Who told you that, I mean, that they use it in their trade?)
How do we know what they even use? They are happy with what they have)) Some are hedged from falling, some from rising, some from being killed by tehanalysis... But you're right - the law of supply and demand works regardless ))