FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1883


I work a lot with muwings, and I am convinced that it is impossible to make money from them - you need a TS that is not very primitive...

Specify, are you suspecting me of fudging or the Central Bank?

I think the trading schemes I tested were much more sophisticated and advanced than what you were trying to use. Based on what you write, you are at a very low level.

You certainly are. As for the Central Bank of Russia... Don't be so naive, because not everything is as straightforward as it may seem at first glance. ;)

If you pay attention to the GDP (since you cited the report on Russia's GDP as an example), then when trading forex (and not only) you should first analyze the GDP data for all the largest economies in the world. Russia can be excluded from this list for now. Analyse the GDP of the USA, the EU and China first. For the U.S. tests you can find data on the GDP of at least 1947, I have not looked deeper, because it is enough to make the right conclusions. Here, of course, more sophisticated methods will have to be applied, and not a trivial "drag and drop on chart". Excel will suffice for research.

... well at least the fact is that the central bank wants it to work...
Maybe he just wants you to think so? )))
Roman Busarov:
Now think logically, with the ruble at around 30-36 we had inflation of 5-7% for 5 years. the exchange rate did not change... send a simple mathematical exercise and calculate the price of the ruble now =)
Why think about it now? I do not understand what this is about.
Alex ... The world has changed a bit... and the ruble is kind of "free floating" already )))

It's not just about the ruble...

Anatoli Kazharski:
Maybe he just wants you to think so? )))

That's what I said, but I'm not the only one - all traders take the exam, including those working in banks.

Imagine, a man passes the exam and comes to work in a bank using the "price action" method...

The analogy with other professions, I think, is unnecessary - a thinking person will understand.

No Sensei...but he seems to be sending us signals))))

And there won't be...

Two planes were hijacked from an airfield in Russia

One of them crashed into an airfield building.

Unknown people stole two planes at once from an airfield in the town of Ishim in the Tyumen region, according to the press service of the Ural Transport Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

Private aircrafts Gardan GY-80-160 and Yak-52 disappeared from the airfield early this morning. Subsequently, Yak-52 made an emergency landing due to a technical failure at the airfield in the town of Yalutorovsk.

During landing, it collided with the engineering structure of the airfield. After that, the pilot of Yak-52 jumped into Gardan GY-80-160 aircraft and fled in an unknown direction.

At present, Russian law enforcers are investigating all the circumstances of the incident.

It would seem, what does forex have to do with it?

Strange, I remember you were wondering where he was from.

Yeah, that's where he's from.)


It's not just about the ruble...

That's what I said, but I'm not the only one - all traders take the exam, including those working in banks.

Imagine, a man passes the exam and comes to work in a bank using the "price action" method...

I don't think there is any need to make analogies with other professions: a thinking person would understand anyway.

From 360 to price action... funny)))
How cbc traders actually trade... you can see perfectly well...

And there won't be... Two planes stolen from an airfield in Russia

..... the town of Ishim

+100 ))))) hilarious)))

Nothing fuzzy, my decisions are based on real trades made by traders. For example, right now I see real demand for audi at 7700-7730, does any of the indicators tell you that ?)
And where do you get your information on trades ? Or is it not trades but something to do with options ?

No, it's still a long way from a million even in a cent account. I did something stupid - out of greed - I admitted it and retreated.

As for the analysis - everyone has their own analysis - I did not see the desire to understand in your words, so no comments.

I don't need to understand anything, he has everything,

But I would listen to the Fibo levels...


From the CBR website

RenCap-RASH leading indicator)))( accurate)

This is how the americans sometimes forecast their gdp ( course less)...

Опережающий индикатор ВВП РенКап-РЭШ
Опережающий индикатор ВВП РенКап-РЭШ
Ренессанс Капитал и Российская экономическая школа представляют Упреждающий индикатор ВВП РенКап-РЭШ. Цель данного индикатора – оценка текущего состояния экономической активности в России. Такой индекс полезен по той причине, что официальная статистика по ВВП традиционно становится известной с большим опозданием, в то время как для многих...