FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1807

Alexey Busygin:

That'll do!

Fasten your seat belts. We're about to start flying.

Are you playing the Grail?
The funny thing is that just a week after this article was published, the rouble went up
Курс доллара в 2015 году — 100 рублей. Или 1 рубль после деноминации
Курс доллара в 2015 году — 100 рублей. Или 1 рубль после деноминации
  • rosman
Рис 1. Такие курсы валют мы должны были увидеть еще в 2001 году Посчитать реальный курс доллара в рублях на конец 2014 года с учетом «отложенной» инфляции за прошлые годы просто, если известны ежегодные цифры инфляции рубля и доллара. Главное — правильно взять точку отсчета. Думаю, это должен быть 2000-й год. Кризис 1998 года к этому времени...
Daniil Stolnikov:
playing by the grail?
By the doll, he ploughs and I sow the profits in half
Daniil Stolnikov:
It's funny how it turns out - just a week after this article was published, the rouble went up
That's nonsense, the rouble collapsed because it was allowed to collapse, either the central bank was working out the maximum price on the stock exchange or something else. Such drastic moves do not just happen, that is why it went down as fast as it went up.
Alexey Busygin:
It's all nonsense, the rouble went up because it was allowed to go up, either the central bank was maxing out on the stock exchange or something else. Such sharp jumps do not just happen, that is why it went down as fast as it went up.
It does not change the fact - the article came out first, which was followed by these events. By the way, Mavrodi predicted all this a year before the events. There are still smart people in Russian villages
Daniil Stolnikov:
It's funny how it turns out - just a week after this article was published the ruble went up

World conspiracy, annunaki uprising, etc.

If the author of the article (and the mega-experts from the liberalist Elephant) are so confident in their conclusions, then they should have sold the flat and bought a quid.

I take it the author didn't do that, so there is no value in these "I TOLD YOU so...!" statements.

Daniil Stolnikov:
It doesn't change the fact that first the article was published, followed by these events. By the way, Mavrodi predicted all this a year before the events. There are still smart people in Russian villages.
And why did not he use it? Perhaps it was not a prediction, but a guess, which he was still not sure about.

Today or tomorrow we can "smoke". The main levels in the EUR/USD have worked out, so anything is possible.

Although experience suggests that the Amer will have a regular "Friday extremum" tomorrow.

The only thing is that I bought some gold and will hold it.


World conspiracy, annunaki uprising, etc.

If the author of the article (and the mega-experts from the liberalist Elephant) are so confident in their conclusions, then they should have sold the flat and bought a quid.

I take it the author didn't, so there's no value in these"I SAID...!" statements.

some will say, some will be silent, no value, i agree.

Annunaki, 100% ;))

I missed the entrance and exit while walking - I'm a lousy trendsetter.