FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1680


and in the meantime the Eura is waiting today for 0790, 0660...

and the Kiwi is ready to fall into the abyss...

Commerzbank wrote that a break-up of .7116 - 2007 min might pave the way to .6871 - 3 - month target and further to .6560

only if it gets above .77, they will change their bearish outlook

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 1667 - Категория: общее обсуждение

I've seen so much over the years))). Sometimes they peddle blatant bullshit... The last one I liked... Yusuf...

At first he said that his forecast for the day was estimated at 100K... then he dropped to 12... hilarious for a long time...

Maybe Myth, from 20 a month, will drop to 20 a year)))) After all, it's not about the money)))

I have never understood people who offer something for money and say it is not for the money

thank you)

Dmitry Chepik:

Maybe Myth, from 20 a month, will drop to 20 a year)))) After all, it's not about the money))))

I have never understood people who offer something for the money and say it is not for the money


The aims of the Universe, in the hands of which we are but tools, are inscrutable. ))
Anatoli Kazharski:
The aims of the Universe, in whose hands we are but tools, are inscrutable. ))

But, the way to these goals, for the most part, must be harmonious! not absurd... Any deviation from the true path will be severely punished!

Dmitry Chepik:

Maybe Myth, from 20 a month, will drop to 20 a year)))) After all, it's not about the money))))

I have never understood people who offer something for the money and say it is not for the money


There you go... good thinking...
Next step - have him pay you to look at his artwork ))))
Anatoli Kazharski:
The aims of the universe, in whose hands we are but tools, are inscrutable. ))
Tul... just don't send us to your profile ))) hilarious )))
Dmitry Chepik:

But, the way to these goals, for the most part, must be harmonious! not absurd... Any deviation from the true path will be severely punished!

The universe has everything in perfect harmony, no matter what its instruments think about it. ;)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 1568 - Категория: общее обсуждение
Dmitry Chepik:

Maybe Myth, from 20 a month, will drop to 20 a year)))) After all, it's not about the money))))

I have never understood people who offer something for the money and say it is not for the money


I have never understood people who offer you something for money and say it is not for the money but for gratitude. any work has to pay or it is absolutely useless.