FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1643


And meanwhile, the Audi futures is shorting 205 contracts, and the options is 1364, of which about three hundred are bought with the target of 76, and the rest are sold below 73, getting an average premium of 130 pips, which is not bad at all))) So the price below 73 one can not wait, I plan to buy from 76-77, we'll see in the course of it.

Yusuf says down too ....
I'll keep an eye out then.
Thank you!

Yusuf changes direction 10 times a day - seems to be chasing the price ))
Бутырка - Кольщик
Бутырка - Кольщик
  • 2009.12.20
Бутырка - Кольщик

And in the meantime, the Audi futures has shorted 205 contracts, and 1364 options, of which about three hundred were bought with the target of 76, and the rest were sold below 73, getting an average premium of 130 pips, which is not bad at all))) So the price below 73 one can not wait, I plan to buy from 76-77, we'll see in the course of it.

=) practise practise =) one day you'll be looking for debt levels =)
stranger: I have never considered the ruble dollar for trading, so I don't know.
You should... three months of silence...
The cb interventions have only been going on for a week now...As if hinting ))))
Roman Busarov:
Myth ... if you don't mind ...
Post all the history you have with your euro levels. The weeks you have there seems to be.

How and from what is derived is of course not necessary.

Example (any delimiters) ... 3 columns -

Date, level 1, level 2
Myth ... if you don't mind ...
Post all the history you have with your euro levels. The weeks you have there seems to be.

How and from what is derived is of course not necessary.

Example (any separators) ... 3 columns -

Date, level1, level2
Roman Busarov:
Bummer ? Or secret ))) hilarious...

And meanwhile, the Audi futures is shorting 205 contracts, and the options is 1364, of which about three hundred are bought with the target of 76, and the rest are sold below 73, getting an average premium of 130 pips, which is not bad at all))) So the price below 73 you can not wait, I plan to buy from 76-77, in the course will be seen.

Where do you get all this info on futures and options?
Is there a website or is this private information?

Myth ... if you don't mind ...
Post all the history you have with your euro levels. The weeks you have there seems to be.

How and from what is derived is of course not necessary.

Example (any delimiters) ... 3 columns -

Date, level 1, level 2
Мозговая атака . Присоединяйтесь .
Мозговая атака . Присоединяйтесь .
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