FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1287


Have you read the primer?

go look, just for you)

Where's Sensei? I see he's already hit the 40% threshold...

I don't come in for a week or two and it's a mess, don't you follow him?


Here's a small emergency forecast for you


Here you can also buy


Have you read the primer?

go look, just for you)

Got it I don't know how, but I admit I was wrong. Is that a demo?
Got it right I don't know how, but I admit I was wrong. Is that a demo?
Yeah, for now. I got the software out of the bin. I'm gonna torture it, see if I can't come up with something useful.

Where's Sensei? I see he's already hit the 40% threshold...

I don't come in for a week or two and it's a mess, don't you follow him?

he must have screwed someone over again....

Gentlemen, support is coming soon. What are your thoughts?

//Isn't the eu going 0.8380?


Gentlemen, support is coming soon. What are your thoughts?

//Isn't the eu going 0.8380?

1.0424 maybe.

Gentlemen, support is on the way. What are your thoughts?

//Isn't the eu going 0.8380?

Another failure?
Another failure?
Kukl, the bastard - he's playing around again

Or is the news on Italy hilarious?