FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1108

of course it's complicated. i've been back and forth, back and forth since 2007....
don't you get tired of it? :-D
not bored? :-D

You know, there was one guy here, his name was Alexander. I never saw less than 70k in his account at the time... I just believed it was possible and I couldn't stop. He is an arbitrageur and he also encouraged me.

And his withdrawal was abbreviated - the number with an "M" )

You know, there was one guy here, his name was Alexander. I never saw less than 70k in his account at the time... Just believed it was possible and couldn't stop.
Oh, man... I've only been hanging around for three years :-D
You can also predict like this:

Draw a circle into sectors. Fix the circle on an axis. Rotate it and throw a dart. Where it hits - there and the price will go :-D.

In general, roulette.
That's how they trade)))))))
Oh, man... I've only been around for three years :-D
he's got a thread on 4pc, but he got banned and he's been vaporised to this day.
he wrote a thread on 4pc. the name is dablokos, but he got banned there and evaporated.
they all evaporate miracle racketeers and doughboys :-D
all of them evaporate miracle arbitrators and doughboys :-D

I read that thread. he never gave the basic idea

I have a feeling that Paukas uses the same strategy, because he says that the drawdown is zero.

I read that thread. He never gave me the basic idea.
Which way to dig did he give any hints? Triangulation, inter-exchange, territorial or whatever?
Which way to dig has not been hinted at either? Triangulation, inter-exchange, territorial or whatever?
his idea is more than spelled out there, but the entry/exit moment, the calculation, the principle of pair overlapping - are missing.
Which way to dig has not been hinted at either? Triangulation, inter-exchange, territorial or whatever?
Sounds to me like you are a super trader, why would you want to do that?