FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1083


Shall we go to 1.30 on the Canadian and sell there for the long haul?

North's got a nice look on him.

Depends on where the euras go:


Depends on where the eu will let it go:

Draghi's blubbering and the euro will rock bottom))
Draghi will be here and the Euro will be stoned))

all waiting for Wednesday

22:00 USD FOMC Economic Projections
USD FOMC Statement
USD Federal Funds Rate <0.25% <0.25%
22:30 USD FOMC Press Conference


all waiting for Wednesday

22:00 USD FOMC Economic Projections
USD FOMC Statement
USD Federal Funds Rate <0.25% <0.25%
22:30 USD FOMC Press Conference

Yep, and Draghi is good too)

We've already put everything we can into it =)

we're doing a balanced mani-policy .... blah.... blah.... blah....

and here's Wednesday's......


We've already put everything we can into it =)

we're doing a balanced mani-policy .... blah.... blah.... blah....

and here's Wednesday's......

I need it to bounce around a bit more)))) I won't listen to it... I need to see what kind of software works. I'm interested in how the signal catches on.
I need it to wiggle a bit more)))) I won't listen to it... I'll have to see what kind of software works, I wonderhow the signal catches on
What's the hookup made out of?
Buy closed successfully!
What is the net made of?
Check the box.
The doll is somewhere around here:
а вот и вышел на сцену спонсор шпильки в USDRUB TOD / Копипаст / Клуб трейдеров sMart-Lab. Мы делаем деньги на бирже.
а вот и вышел на сцену спонсор шпильки в USDRUB TOD / Копипаст / Клуб трейдеров sMart-Lab. Мы делаем деньги на бирже.
Энергобанк требует через суд у брокеров деньги, которые он вероятно потерял по собственной ошибке Фининститут подал иск по гражданскому делу к крупнейшим российским брокерам с требованием вернуть средства, которые могли быть заработаны на паре доллар-рубль в результате ошибочных действий на бирже самого банка, произошедших в пятницу, 27...